Postponed Chances

<p>I am a postponed transfer. I emailed a transfer counselor and they said that if I get B's or better spring semester, it's possible I will be admitted. However, I know this will not be the case. I am almost certain I will have all A's and B's this semester except for a C in Biology. I am a sociology major and I am doing extremely well in those classes.</p>

<p>I am nervous because I still haven't found out the percents for postponed students who are admitted. Should I drop my biology class this late in the semester? It did say in my notification that dropping classes will only weaken my chances, but if all the rest are As and Bs, is it worth it? I am taking 19 credits this semester, so if I dropped bio, I would be at 14 (still full time)</p>

<p>What year are you and your gpa ??</p>

<p>Do not drop any courses now because it WILL weaken your application.
I suggest keep the good work and just wait and see by the end of the semester.</p>

<p>I am a postponed transfer but I had a 3.8 first semester and I will just keep it up and see what they say at the end of May. & I am entering as a sophomore. </p>

<p>But they just want to see that you can handle the courses and do good. I don’t know the percentages but I know many of the postponed applicants do get in</p>

<p>I am a freshman right now. I had a 2.9 fall semester (a C+ in a 5 credit course, the rest were As and Bs in a 14 credit course load). And this semester, I will probably have all A’s and B’s…and 1 C. :/</p>

<p>The As and Bs are in my major; the C is not related to my major. Do you think that will help? I know they said “if you can get B’s or better this spring, it’s possible you’ll be admitted” </p>

<p>@BB9324, I am surprised they postponed you with a 3.8. I have a feeling you will be admitted!</p>

<p>[College</a> Waitlists Offer Little Hope -](<a href=“College Waitlists Offer Little Hope - WSJ”>College Waitlists Offer Little Hope - WSJ)</p>


<p>postponed as a transfer is not the same as being waitlisted applying as a freshman.</p>

<p>majority of postponed transfers get accepted as soon as they show their semester grades.</p>

<p>sorry I just didn’t want to start another tread</p>