Postponed, wondering about chances

<p>I got a postponement decision back in early December, and the letter told me to send in my mid-term grades. Unfortunately, due to a lot of stress at home, my grades were poorer than normal. My UW GPA dropped from a 3.45 to a 3.4-ish, however my weighted is still a 3.6, I got B's in almost all of my academic classes, normally I get at least A-'s in most. I am really worried this will completely destroy my chances of getting into Madison because the GPA was the weakest link in my application. What are the trends regarding postponed students getting accepted, and do I have any chance of admittance after a less-than-stellar performance seventh semester?</p>

<p>Not so good…</p>

<p>Well, that is somewhat depressing. I got accepted to Purdue already, so I at least have some options, however Madison appears to be a much more cost-efficient path for my field of study (software engineering). Madison is a good school for computer science, even if they don’t have the specific sub-field of software engineering. Now the question arises whether or not I should go to UWM for a semester or two and transfer into madison, or bite the bullet and go to an out of state school. I will get significant federal financial aid due to my parents income, but a 45,000 dollar a semester bill still hurts in comparison to instate, no matter how much I manage to reduce it. </p>

<p>P.S: If anyone is seeking further information about my application, I can repost it later when I get home, or you can look in my post history. It should give you a better idea of my stats and standing in comparison to other students.</p>

<p>Unweighted never matters. You probably shouldn’t borrow money to attend Purdue. You can get the prerequisite classes at UWM (Milwaukee , I presume), do well and transfer to Madison. If you and your parents can pay for it without breaking the budget do go to Purdue instead of UWM for the freshman college experience. Don’t bother posting stats as we can’t do anything about them. All you can do is wait and see where you end up.</p>

<p>The best investments you will ever make in life are the ones you make in yourself. Sometimes we have to choose to accept risk and then make it work - its what makes the average American different and what makes our country great. You are not exactly rolling the dice with Purdue either. Good luck.</p>

Time to take control. Send something to Admissions telling them how interested you are, how you’ve been learning to deal with some stress in your life, what you want to do while at Madison, etc. Don’t give up until you have the final decision, then you can move to Plan B.</p>

@Xelement‌ Did you end up getting accepted? I was postponed this year and my GPA UW was about 3.6, but I only got a 3.4 this semester and it still is around the same. It is currently a 3.59. Did you end up getting in?