
<p>ahhh I just got my decision today and apparently I got postponed.
ACT: 33
GPA: 3.6
What do I do now?!</p>

<p>I think you just wait and see if you get accepted in the next round…Sounds like you have a pretty good chance based on your stats… Maybe other people on this board will know what else to suggest. Maybe contact your admissions counselor and ask them?</p>

<p>Is that 3.6 an unweighted academic GPA? I ask because those are my D’s stats exactly - 33 ACT and 3.6 unweighted academic GPA. Doesn’t bode well. . . .</p>

<p>Apply to other schools just to be safe. If you don’t make it in, you could also apply as a transfer. Postponed doesn’t mean rejected, they probably want to see how you compare to the next set of people. For now work on improving your grades and write even better application essays. Your ACT is good but work on the GPA. Also it is not all about GPA and ACT, work on those extra curricculars. Make sure that you not just doing it just to have it on a list but that you have meaningful experiences, something that you could write a kick-ass application for. Good luck!</p>

<p>Strong grades in high school this semester for when you send them in when the semesters over, prove you really want in and can put forth the effort!</p>

<p>I was postponed last year so
I know how you’re feeling. Best advice I can give you is to keep your grades up. You will need to submit your first semester grades. Also stay in touch with UW admissions to make sure they know you’re serious wanting to attend. Most frustrating part is having to wait until the middle of March to find out whether or not you’re in. I did get in and like it but honestly I’ve still feel a little resentful of the whole process. Good luck to you</p>

<p>Postponed with a 3.6 and a 33 ACT!!! Really? Wow? How many APs did you take? That is crazy? Is UW one of your top schools? If so I would send a letter telling them that and send your first semester grades and sit tight. I think you will get in, but apply to other schools of course. Maybe they got bad vibes from your essay? Or maybe you did not take enough APs…weird…hope you get in soon. Nerve racking!</p>

<p>haonan93, can you share if you received an email or saw on the UW site first? What did the status change to on your UW page? When did you apply? How long did your status stay at the “we are evaluating your application…we may contact you for additional information…”? Best of luck to you!!</p>

<p>I think you are in the top 25% you should have been accepted. The problem that UW has is the top 25% could be 7000 students for 6000 seats. My guess is they expect a low yield from the top 25% so they may read the essays and see if you really want to go to UW. UW would rather accept the middle 50% where their yield and predictability is much higher. I think they will accept you if you show some interest. My advise is keep up the good grades and decide if you really want to go if so then send a note stating that you really want to go to UW when your grades are submitted. Good luck</p>

<p>I was postponed last year with a 3.65 unweighted and a 29 ACT, so I know how frustrated you must feel right now! I applied to three other schools after I found out about getting postponed but still had my heart set on UW, so I worked incredibly hard first semester senior year and ended up with around a 3.9 semester gpa. I sent four additional letters of recommendation and a personal letter detailing how much UW meant to me and why I felt it was the only school for me.</p>

<p>Some may think this was a tad excessive and unnecessary…but I’m sitting in my dorm room facing Lake Mendota as I type this so it must have helped somewhat :)</p>

<p>I know of over twenty people with much higher grades and test scores who were denied after being postponed. They all sent their updated transcript to UW in February, as required, but nothing aside from that. In my opinion, if you truly do want to spend the next four years in Madison more than anything, show it! Show the admissions counselors how much you can improve in one semester. Show them how passionate you are about attending UW. You may find that there are too many other qualified applicants for you to snag a spot in next year’s freshman class, but then again, you could end up like me!</p>

<p>I am hearing from my S there are a lot more rejections and postponements than expected. Folks with solid ACT scores are getting the postponements and the common thread is GPA. Once that unweighted gets down to 3.6 or below, high ACT scores don’t seem to save the day.</p>

<p>Students with high ACT/SAT with over 3.5 (a real one) will get accepted to most schools. I would be surprised if haonan93 was rejected to Michigan. In my sons HS we had about 50 accepted to Michigan and lots of under 3.6 GPAs. IMHO its the essays.</p>

<p>I’ve heard that without a 30+ ACT AND a 3.7+ UW GPA, postponed or denied is the answer. Please notice the AND. Many posts on CC seem to indicate that one or the other punches the ticket. I’ve been trying to follow that stats of people already admitted on CC, and it appears to coincide with this “rumor”. I have no hard facts. Anybody heard of anyone being admitted without a 30+ ACT AND a 3.7+ UW GPA? </p>

<p>According to a current student, that threshold will be a little lower in January for WI residents in order to hit the 60-63% target of in-state admissions.</p>

<p>Actually the average GPA is 3.5-3.9 UW and average ACT is 27-29, so don’t worry when you see all the admitted kids on here with like 4.0’s and 34’s being admitted they are just working on getting kids with excellent credentials in this early in the process. Also, I’m sure Hoanan93 stands a really good chance for her next decision.</p>


<p>Your numbers are out of date Fall 2011 25/75 numbers were 27/31 for ACT.</p>

<p>haonan- can you tell us more about your stats?</p>

<p>Barrons this is the website
[Freshman</a> Applicants: Requirements and Expectations - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“]Freshman”>
where did you find 27-31?</p>

<p>In the2009-2010, UW Madison reports the middle 50% to be 26-30 (25th to 75th percentile). This is also noted at:</p>

<p>[University</a> of Wisconsin Profile - ACT Scores and Admissions Data for the University of Wisconsin- Madison](<a href=“]University”>University of Wisconsin-Madison: Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA)</p>

<p>There has been an uptick in ACT scores so I wouldn’t be surprised that it is now 27-31 but I haven’t seen it reported. Finally, your link says " typically score between 27–29 on the ACT." This is not necessarily the middle 50% RANGE. This is more reported the average ACT score. There is a difference.</p>

<p>You are right it does not say 50% range, however I have the UW-Madison packet thing and it says for Academic profile of Admitted Freshmen (middle 50%) and I’m assuming of years 2009-2010 because it says that in the box next to it but anyway its the same data I gave</p>

<p>I understand what the final admissions stats are. You missed my point. Maybe most already understand. If you aren’t near stellar in both GPA and GPA, the initial look is going to lead to a POSTPONED or DENIED. </p>

<p>Several posters seem surprised that somebody with a 3.6 GPA and 33 ACT was not an ADMIT on first pass.</p>

<p>The final admissions stats are based on the entire class that accepts the ADMIT, not who they ADMIT Nov-Jan. OOS kids need substancially higher GPA and ACT to make the cut due to Univ. needing to get 60-63% from WI.</p>

<p>It seems people who are close on ACT and GPA will wait. If you’re like me, the challenge is your UW GPA could go down if you take AP classes and don’t get an A first semester Sr. year.</p>