Posts on Forums seem to be down considerably

This one is on me. I made the decision to consolidate the MT Forum back in 2021. By that time the majority of college-specific MT categories were rarely used. My goal was to help people find the right place to post to get the best audience to answer there question or continue the discussion. Looking at the participation in MT-related threads, I failed. I’m sorry I played a part in making CC less useful for musical theater students.

I’m certainly open to suggestions about how we might become a better resource for these students.

Interesting. Looking at the PTA Facebook group I’m on, it appears files added in links are collected in one place to be referred to again, if necessary. I don’t see a lot of people on CC posting links to files, but I wonder if creating more FAQ-style posts would serve a similar purpose? What sort of files to people post on your groups? (The PTA group mostly has calendars, fliers and permission forms.)