<p>i say the 17th, like last year.</p>
<p>but what do i know?
what do you guys think?</p>
<p>i say the 17th, like last year.</p>
<p>but what do i know?
what do you guys think?</p>
<p>im hoping for the 15th…tommorow =)</p>
<p>15th? Pleeease? =D</p>
<p>i’m hoping tomorrow as well, but i don’t want to get my hopes up, only to be disappointed.</p>
<p>I’m hoping for tomorrow…
This morning (my morning, your night) the Status Check page had some kind of a crashdown so I couldn’t log in and it gave an error message saying DecisionAvailable+some numbers.
Needless to say, I almost had a crashdown. But later, the page was OK and no decision…I wonder…</p>
<p>^ hmmm, veryyy interesting. i’m quite intrigued.</p>
<p>i dont know about tomorrow–i think we wouldve gotten a warning (sorry guys :D)
im guessing by the end of the week</p>
<p>marg–what kind of warning would you expect?</p>
<p>a warning? i’ve never heard of schools doing that.</p>
<p>last year, the list of received documents disappeared
also, a pop up (? i think) came up when you tried signing in to the application status check</p>
<p>i dont remember exactly, you’d have to read last years threads</p>
<p>oh, how strange. i’ll have to check that out.</p>
<p>Interesting…I can’t seem to find any threads from last year on here. I’m guessing they delete them after a while?</p>
<p>…and note what is said under the November 26 entry:</p>
<p>You will be notified via e-mail on the day of the release, and be sure to check my blog for progress on our reading (and maybe even a hint on when decisions will be ready).</p>
<p>[Northeastern</a> Admissions](<a href=“http://nuadmissions.typepad.com/ronne/]Northeastern”>http://nuadmissions.typepad.com/ronne/)</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/northeastern-university/427029-decision-question.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/northeastern-university/427029-decision-question.html</a></p>
<p>for the past 2 years, they’ve been releasing the decisions on a monday. if the pattern continues, this means the decisions would be available tomorrow. </p>
<p>i’m probably just looking at this too deeply.</p>
<p>^^^^Haha, I like your thinking. :)</p>
<p>decisions did come out on Monday the 17th last year. I hope you all hear tomorrow !
Good luck</p>
<p>I bet December 15th. Here are my reasons:</p>
<p>This is from the Admissions blog, dated 12/08/08 – “In admissions we are enjoying the holiday festivities on campus, preparing for winter break and gearing up for another round of application review” </p>
<p>… which means that they’ve finished a round of application reviews already (namely us early actioners)!! yay!!</p>
<p>And last year, the decisions were released on Monday, December 17th. Tomorrow will be Monday, December 15th. I think they would try to release the decisions around the same time as last year, and the 15th of December is closer than the 22nd of December So I’m guessing either the 15th or 22nd… but I’m betting on the 15th, WHICH IS TOMORROW! WOOOOOOT!!!</p>
<p>^ i agree with the logic behind this, but i’m really trying to hold out until the 17th. i don’t know how well that’s going to go. i need some good college news right about now.</p>
<p>Question. When were the decisions (snail) mailed last year? I’m assuming I’d get it quickly because I live 20 miles form NEU? Like a day or two after they mailed it? I kinda want to open an envelope …but if it’s a ridiculous amount of time after they’re available online, I don’t think I will.</p>