potential decision dates?! i'm currently taking bets.

<p>i say the 17th, like last year.</p>

<p>but what do i know?
what do you guys think?</p>

<p>im hoping for the 15th…tommorow =)</p>

<p>15th? Pleeease? =D</p>

<p>i’m hoping tomorrow as well, but i don’t want to get my hopes up, only to be disappointed.</p>

<p>I’m hoping for tomorrow…
This morning (my morning, your night) the Status Check page had some kind of a crashdown so I couldn’t log in and it gave an error message saying DecisionAvailable+some numbers.
Needless to say, I almost had a crashdown. But later, the page was OK and no decision…I wonder…</p>

<p>^ hmmm, veryyy interesting. i’m quite intrigued.</p>

<p>i dont know about tomorrow–i think we wouldve gotten a warning (sorry guys :D)
im guessing by the end of the week</p>

<p>marg–what kind of warning would you expect?</p>

<p>a warning? i’ve never heard of schools doing that.</p>

<p>last year, the list of received documents disappeared
also, a pop up (? i think) came up when you tried signing in to the application status check</p>

<p>i dont remember exactly, you’d have to read last years threads</p>

<p>oh, how strange. i’ll have to check that out.</p>

<p>Interesting…I can’t seem to find any threads from last year on here. I’m guessing they delete them after a while?</p>

<p>…and note what is said under the November 26 entry:</p>

<p>You will be notified via e-mail on the day of the release, and be sure to check my blog for progress on our reading (and maybe even a hint on when decisions will be ready).</p>

<p>[Northeastern</a> Admissions](<a href=“http://nuadmissions.typepad.com/ronne/]Northeastern”>http://nuadmissions.typepad.com/ronne/)</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/northeastern-university/427029-decision-question.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/northeastern-university/427029-decision-question.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>for the past 2 years, they’ve been releasing the decisions on a monday. if the pattern continues, this means the decisions would be available tomorrow. </p>

<p>i’m probably just looking at this too deeply.</p>

<p>^^^^Haha, I like your thinking. :)</p>

<p>decisions did come out on Monday the 17th last year. I hope you all hear tomorrow !
Good luck</p>

<p>I bet December 15th. Here are my reasons:</p>

<p>This is from the Admissions blog, dated 12/08/08 – “In admissions we are enjoying the holiday festivities on campus, preparing for winter break and gearing up for another round of application review” </p>

<p>… which means that they’ve finished a round of application reviews already (namely us early actioners)!! yay!!</p>

<p>And last year, the decisions were released on Monday, December 17th. Tomorrow will be Monday, December 15th. I think they would try to release the decisions around the same time as last year, and the 15th of December is closer than the 22nd of December :slight_smile: So I’m guessing either the 15th or 22nd… but I’m betting on the 15th, WHICH IS TOMORROW! WOOOOOOT!!!</p>

<p>^ i agree with the logic behind this, but i’m really trying to hold out until the 17th. i don’t know how well that’s going to go. i need some good college news right about now.</p>

<p>Question. When were the decisions (snail) mailed last year? I’m assuming I’d get it quickly because I live 20 miles form NEU? Like a day or two after they mailed it? I kinda want to open an envelope :smiley: …but if it’s a ridiculous amount of time after they’re available online, I don’t think I will.</p>