Potential Double Major Question

<p>So, if I come to UM, I may want to double major in Electrical Engineering and Economics. Am I allowed to do this and if so, how hard would it be?</p>

<p>I was yesterday at the accepted student open house and they said the following regarding double major and Engineering:

  • it is possible if you are bringing a lot of credits from AP. IB, or Double enrollment.
  • if your second major does not overlap with EE then you will have to longer to graduate and they prefer that you choose the BS/MS in 5 years path instead and get a Master degree in 5 years then a double major in 4.
  • some minors like Math can be added with just a couple of classes</p>

<p>So a EE/economics double major isn’t feasible?</p>

<p>The University gives you no restrictions, however EE is very vast and allows you to extent all the way to CS classes. Economic is also a vast major. I recommend you take a look at the online catalog. It has a list of the require classes for each major. See how many classes overlap and see how many credits you can knock off with your APs. Also read the CC tread under majors/ Engineering. They go over all the different aspects of the profession including double majors and minors. Finally, you really do not have to decide now. As a freshman you’ll be able to explore a lot if introductory classes and will be able to meet with your academic advisor several times throughout the year.</p>

<p>I was in the engineering school for 2 years at UM. You could technically double major in economics and EE however it may take you 5 years depending on how many summer courses you could do. With the EE major it’s actually pretty easy to get a minor in math since there are several math requirements with engineering. On a side note, my buddy did the BS/MS 5 yr EE option and has a job waiting for him at Motorola right after he graduates next month. He also did 3 summer internships with Motorola.</p>