In one of my essays (a required topic on diversity/community by Duke to be specific) I discuss the cultural mishmash of being from a North African country and living in the United States. Some people have brought up the worry that, considering growing Islamophobia in the U.S, I should not mention what my background is. Is this a legitimate concern? Is it possible that there are many officers out there that would select against Muslim candidates? I doubt this, but I’m still very concerned if there is the slightest chance regardless.
Please let me emphasize that I know that admission officers are by and large wonderful people (who control my very fate but whatever), I’m worried of a potential few that don’t.
Thanks a lot for your help! I hope this doesn’t bother anyone! 
I don’t think there is any way of knowing if it helps, is neutral, or hurts an app. I do know that one of my kids wrote an essay that included their Jewish heritage and used an alternate essay at two schools that had very small Jewish populations. I used to think/hope differences like this were what made America great but now I do worry that you just don’t know who is open to certain differences. We live in an area with great religious and cultural diversity so it makes me sad that my kids worry about being accepted when here even though they were different so were many of their friends in various ways. Post election they probably won’t even consider those 2 schools anymore so perhaps for you too if they don’t want you based on your religion you don’t want them either?
More than one applicant reader reads your essays to ensure that stuff like this does not happen. Don’t worry. You’'l be fine.
My daughter wrote a similar essay for Duke (based on bigotry she has experienced and how it shaped her) and got in. For the optional diversity essay, the experience you are describing is exactly what they want to hear. I think that is particularly true in the current environment. Good luck.
It will help rather than hurt your application for a majority of America’s colleges and universities.
It is fine! Also, even in the unlikely chance that they would discriminate against you due to religion, would you really want to attend that school?
Thank you for the reassurance everyone! I feel much more confident about my essay now.