Potential mech. engineering transfer student with some questions


I am currently a freshman in my first semester of college at Northeastern. Last fall, I was between Northeastern and Binghamton. Unfortunately, I think I made the wrong choice.

I quickly found out the big city life is definitely not for me. Also, I am now 6 hours from everyone I love and care about with no mode of transportation that can get me home besides someone coming 6 hours to come get me. This school has not been what I imagined so far, and I really have been miserable. It has gotten to the point where I have been struggling to eat.

I have a few friends that go to Binghamton, and I’ve spent a few weekends there. I’ve loved everything about that school that I’ve seen so far. I think I would enjoy my college experience much more, and be much less anxious knowing I can go home for a weekend if I needed to. Finally, I would be saving a lot of money.

I live in upstate NY, about 45 minutes from Binghamton, and would really like to transfer. I know that you cannot transfer into an engineering major in the spring, but I really don’t know if I can last a whole year here. Is there any way I can transfer to Binghamton in the spring, and then transfer into an engineering major in the fall?

Here’s my current classes that I’m taking:
GE1501 Cornerstone of Engineering 1
GE1000 Introduction to the Study of Engineering
MATH 1341 Calculus 1 for Science and Engineering
ENGW 1111 First-Year Writing
CHEM 1151 General Chem for Engineers
CHEM 1153 Recitation for CHEM 1151

I have an AP credit with a 3 in US History.

I have college credit for the following PLTW courses:
Introduction to Engineering Design
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Engineering Design and Development
Principles of Engineering
Digital Electronics

I also have transfer credits from SUNY Delhi in the following classes (took in HS):
ENGL 100 Freshman Composition
LITR 100 Literature
SCIE 170 Intro. to Research I
SCIE 180 Intro. to Research II

Lastly, I have the following transfer credits from Broome Community College (took in HS):
PED 119 Fitness and Wellness

Here’s my high school stats:
1470 SAT
35 ACT
2nd in class of 68
98% GPA

Thank you for your time and help!