<p>To improve my score on reading, I started using a strategy that breaks down the questions to improve time. Every 10 questions I give myself 8 minutes to complete. I do 10 question sets sporadically throughout the day and it seems to work. Does anybody know if PR 1296 reading is similar to the ACT?</p>
<p>I took have the 1296 for ACT from PR, Im hoping to get this question answered too.</p>
<p>From what I hear, 1296 replicates the ACT’s reading section pretty well.</p>
<p>However, just to warn you that studying your way may not be the most effective. </p>
<p>Yeah, you can finish 10 questions in eight minutes, but can you do it under testing conditions? Just remember that you’ll be under the stress of having already completed two sections and you’ll have to do all the reading questions in one sitting, instead of being refreshed.</p>