Pr 1296?

<p>Just have a few questions on how hard I should score myself on the sections. I heard the English is about the same as the official ACT but I don't know about Math and Science. Also if a section is harder or easier, how many points should I add/subtract to have it fit better tp the official ACT scale?</p>

<p>I’ve heard the difficulty is about equal to that of the real ACT. I used it to prep for Science, and I can say that it’s pretty accurate. 1296 has the most accurate 3rd-party tests, in my opinion. I didn’t use it for math, but it can’t hurt. I improved my math score 9 points by using [DCHS</a> ACT Math Question of the Day](<a href=“]DCHS”> and [Khan</a> Academy](<a href=“”> :)</p>