PR for English.

<p>I hear this really helps but I am having a bit of a problem. I have read the section on English in there like 6 times and I still seem to have some problems.</p>

<p>Before I used to just go by what sounds right. Even after reading I still seem to do this. Like what process do you guys go through when examining a question? </p>

<p>Are the PR practice tests good? Thinking about trying one out. Also, does the Red book have a good reading section?</p>

<p>I mean good english section.</p>

<p>I took the 3 Real ACT English parts and went over them fully. It seems that I am missing a lot of Rhetorical questions and I have reviewed that in depth. I also missed some punctuation and whatnot but not too much. </p>

<p>I have a concern though. I have a good memory when it comes to information and I am affraid that when I retake these tests I will get a high score because I remember the answers, not because of knowledge. Are the PR tests any good cause I am about to take one now to see how I do?</p>

<p>I just went through the 45 question drill in the Real ACt and had 42 of the 45 correct. How good is this? This was untimed but I think I am getting a feel for English now.</p>

<p>A reply would be nice.</p>

<p>i dont think im sure what the overall question and purpose of this thread is.</p>

<p>is pr good for english? from what i hear, yes. i havent used it myself yet. in general, pr and the red book are the best for the ACT as a whole.</p>

<p>is 42/45 good for an untimed practice test? who knows? it's the time that makes the score worth something. but the fact that you are getting a feel for the english test is probably a good thing for when you do take a timed test.</p>

<p>not sure how else i can help you. most people dont have a particular "process" when going through english because it is typically the most lenient on time and most people can pretty much just go straight through it with time to spare at the end. if english is not your first language, then it might be another story.</p>

<p>Are the PR practice tests good?</p>