<p>I just have to say that Barron's 2400 helped me break my "critical reading" plateau" and not only that I completely understand the passsages. Their techniques are FAST and EFFECTIVE. </p>
<p>I couldn't believ that I finished the reading section w/ about 20-30 secs to spare.. this is the fastest and most accurate that I have scored in the CR for a long time. Also, the mistakes that I did miss were b/c I bubbled the wrong answer, not b/c I didn't understand the passage.</p>
<p>And some people say that Barron's style of writing is dry and textbook like....I find it to be entertaining rather. It is not dry at all and I noticed that the book itself uses numerious SAT vocab words... so inconspicuously I think they are prompting you to learn these words by sprinking them throughout the book- what an ingenious idea. </p>
<p>Lastly, this book is that it's VERY short.... barely 200 pages compared to the long PR books. Its appendix also has USEFUL math formulas.... not the vapid, 1st grade level math formulas that princeton review gives (like there's 360 degrees in a circle). </p>
<p>So bottom line: It works and I don't have to sift through useless info.
The only repetitive info it has is "process of elimination." But thank god I don't have to deal w/ "Joe Bloggs" anymore.</p>