Pratt School Chances?

<p>A friend of mine introduced me to this site, and I was just wondering what my chances are for Pratt (BME).</p>

<p>NJ Asian Male
GPA: 4.73 (Weighted I guess - School doesn't do UW)
Rank: 7/458
ACT: 30 (Hopefully I did better on December test)
APs: Taken: Biology (5); Current: Physics C, Calc AB, EngLang, Stats</p>

Secretary - Science NHS
Mu Alpha Theta
Italian NHS
Secretary - Chinese Club
Italian Club
Health Careers Club
NJ Science League - Team ranked 9th in State in Biology II
Key Club
Varsity Track and Field
Peer Tutoring
Presented to the Town on UN Day about Embracing Cultural Diversity</p>

Pediatric Clinic
Kessler Inst. for Rehab
Local Volunteering Projects - Organized some Elementary School Events, Orientation Guide for School Open Nights, etc...</p>

<p>Recs: Physics and History Teachers, and Letter from Volunteer Supervisor
Essays: Great</p>

<p>Open to any critiques and chances. Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>You’re definitely competitive, although hopefully you improve your ACT so that I could say with confidence that you’re in.</p>

<p>I had similar stats. Just bring up test scores and you should probably get in.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input. I just had the interview. It went really well, and it was pretty informal and fun, I guess.</p>