pratt to trinity

<p>I am currently looking at scheduling information, and the guide sent to me in the mail details very specific instructions for which classes to take and whatnot. I am currently enrolled in the Pratt school, but I'm now starting to think that I would like to major in some natural science or in computer science rather than Electrical or any other Engineering. So, is there anything special that I should do as I look through which classes to take, such as things that would make a future transfer to Trinity easier?</p>

<p>I would try to meet with someone at the advising center as well as your Pratt advisor during the week before classes start. Main things to keep in mind:
1) Engineering classes do not have Matrix categories, and thus are not part of Trinity's Curriculum
2) As an engineer considering downgrading...erm...switching to Trinity, you do not have to take a seminar class in the first year
3) Trinity only accepts two AP credits; the rest allow you to take higher-level classes but are not for credit.
4) Most of the first-year curriculum in Pratt will work for Trinity, especially if you are going into some kind of science</p>

<p>THanks for your help. Would potentially transferring to Trinity be something to note in the "Academic Interests" survey, or should I just leave that alone and focus on interests in engr?</p>

<p>I'd include the full range - your advisor will be able to see the academic interests paragraphs, and knowing more might help tailor the advising session. 'course, my first indication someone is switching from Pratt to Trinity is when I have a first-year "engineer" walk in taking Japanese 1, Econ 51, Soc 10, and Psy 11...</p>

<p>Just FYI, your advisor may not actually read those academic interest paragraphs, or anything else you write in that pre-registration survey. I know mine didn't. If you want a switch from Pratt to Trinity to be something they know about ahead of time, emailing them would be a better bet.</p>

<p>how do we e-mail them...we don't even find out who our advisors are until orientation...right?</p>

<p>Dean Constant (Connie) Simmons is the Pratt Advisor for all freshman engineers. She can be reached at (919) 660-5387 or at <a href=""></a></p>

<p>Thank you all for your help!</p>

<p>Dean Simmons is amazing...I highly recommend going to her with any questions you may have about planning your future at Pratt. :)</p>

<p>(it's Constance :) ) And - you have to see your advisor first; there's actually a form now to prove you saw your advisor before going directly to Dean Simmons :)</p>