<p>And, chance me as well please. </p>
Senior in a public magnet high school.
UW GPA: ~ 3.5
W GPA: 3.7
SAT: 1960
ACT: 29
Top 10% of my class ( I think. I was last year, and if I'm not I'm just barely out of it).<br>
AP Scholar with Distinctions </p>
<p>I've taken a lot of AP Classes (11 in all after this year). </p>
Debate (Big time.) I'm literally the most decorated debater in my state. And team captian for two years.
Quiz Bowl for three years
Marching band for this year
National Honor Society
Member of People to People International (though I don't really do much...)</p>
None. ... I'm pretty sure that's going to kill me.</p>
Fair to great. I have a great topic though. I'm legally blind. </p>
<p>Schools: (all are out of state)
U. Illinois-Urbana (#1)
U. Maryland - College Park
Northwestern (I know...)
U. Michigan (I know....)
U Colorado-Boulder
Georgia Tech</p>
<p>I'm afraid because, from what I've seen, I fall right in the middle of most of these schools, and I can't tell for sure one way or another. I'd really appreciate your opinions.
<p>illinois - match
maryland- match
northwestern - low reach
umichicigan - low reach
purdue - high match
boulder- match
tech - match/high match</p>
<p>chance me back!</p>
<p>Man, I hope it looks that good.
Thanks, penguino9.
Anybody else?</p>
<p>Believe me, if I thought I had an accurate opinion on college chances, I would. But honestly, I don’t. Hence this thread. Thank you though.
Anybody else?</p>
<p>Wow, looks just like mine. And you’re applying a lot of mine too!</p>
<p>U. Illinois-Urbana (#1) - maybe somewhat difficult since OOS are rarely accepted, match
U. Maryland - College Park - match
Northwestern (I know…) - low reach/high match (I’m applying here too. My advice is to write the best g<strong>d</strong>* essay of your life.)
U. Michigan (I know…) - high match (once again OOS is hard to get into)
Purdue - safety
U Colorado-Boulder - match
Georgia Tech - match</p>
<p>Now, check my scores and colleges. They’re not too different from yours!
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/595620-my-terrible-test-scores-what-my-chances.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/595620-my-terrible-test-scores-what-my-chances.html</a></p>
<p>Northwestern, Georgia Tech, and Michigan are reaches
for Illinois it depends on what you list as intended major (if you listed engineering/business it is a reach if not, most other stuff high match, agriculture/education match)
everything else is a match</p>