Pre Calc or Prob & Stats?

I’m hoping to graduate early and am confused about which class to take. If I take Pre Calc then I’m subjected to doing Alg 2 during the summer which is something I’m trying to avoid. My counselor told me most colleges don’t take Prob & Stats as a higher math which is something I need to graduate, but as I’m looking on Google, I’m finding mixed answers. I’m hoping to major in Music Production or Film. Can someone explain which class would be best for me?

Frankly, if you’re majoring in music production or film, you probably won’t take any math in college unless you wind up at a school which requires that you take it to fulfill a gen ed.

I’d go the standard route, Algebra 2 and PreCalc, since your planned majors don’t require probability and stats anyway, and you may find that if you don’t take alg 2 and precalc, you won’t have enough math to be accepted to schools that you want for music/film, but require that you have gone through math as far as pre-calc.

Plenty of colleges do have some sort of math or quantitative reasoning general education requirement. Such requirements may require courses that have an algebra 2 or higher prerequisite. Introductory statistics in college (common taken for such requirements where they exist) typically requires algebra 2 or equivalent as a prerequisite.