<p>I am a senior in HS.. I am still confused with which major to choose.
I generally like math, science, and computer.</p>
<p>I am taking AP stats & AP physics right now.. stats is really really easy for me but I am doing just about okay in physics.
I don't know much about comp.science but it's seems like sth I can enjoy because I love working on computer and is pretty good at general stuffs.</p>
<p>Also..I took AP bio & AP chem last yr. I didnt like bio and failed the exam.
I like chemistry the best in science area..</p>
<p>I want to be either a dentist or in computer field. (I don't know exactly)
But I do not want to major in something like biochem, bio or chem</p>
<p>I'd rather major in comp. science or computer engineering.</p>
<p>Will it be "good" choice to choose such majors? </p>
<p>I felt like I can major in chemistry or statistics since I like it.. but it seems like computer/engineer major is better in getting jobs and I simply have more interest. </p>
<p>My dad, a dentist, constantly tells me to do what I love, and do it well, and you will always be happy and successful.</p>
<p>My father majored in biology before going to dental school and then perio-school to become a periodontist. He has been a dentist for 32 years and loves it. He doesn't use A TON of bio now, mainly because he has specialized and really just does the same thing over and over with occassional troubleshooting of ppls problems. Me? I'm a chemE, I hate people, and their problems.</p>
<p>If you are interested in both dentistry and computers it might be worth looking into the world of dental equipment. It's a rather underserved market that is recently emerging with new imaging and cleaning techniques. Also, microdentistry is rather new and deals with treating problems before they become problems through use of advance technology.</p>
<p>It's not that i "hate" bio- I struggled in class and got B.
Well I should've said I am not "talented" at bio.
Still I'd like to work with patients.. I used to want to be a surgeon. And I like computer but haven't done much of it. if I know I absolutely like comp and is good at, I would definitely go for comp.science.</p>
<p>This is why I am still wondering.. . .. I guess there's no one who has similar concern? please, someone just tell me that it is possible to major in computer related area, meeting requirements for dental and switch to dental on later IF I want to . (without wasting too many yrs.)</p>