Pre-engineering 3-2 program

<p>Geneseo has a pre-engineering program with 3 there and 2 at Columbia, Rochester and a couple other places. I'm wondering of anyone has any experience with both the experience of pre-engineering students at Geneseo and the issues surrounding transfering. Thanks!</p>

<p>ummm, I don’t know how much this will help, but here it goes. I went up to Geneseo for the overnight stay a few days ago and had the pleasure of speaking with one of the members of the physics department there. He personally didn’t think that the 3-2 engineering program was worth it and made a mention that it was more expensive than just going 4 years at geneseo and another year at another school for a masters. The only benefit he said he saw in doing the 3-2 program was the presitge of having a degree from columbia u and something else I forgot :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: oh yeah and you don’t register for the 3-2 engineering program or anything-you actually declare it in your junior year at geneseo. but don’t worry, you are mandated to consult with an advisor before you take freshman classes so they’ll help you out with your goals with the 3-2 program</p>