Pre-Fashion Design and Merchandising at Kent State

My daughter got into Pre-Fashion Design and Merchandising . They said she needs to do this meet admission requirements for Fashion Design & Merchandising major. how hard is it to complete these requirements. Does anyone have experience with this

My son was admitted to a pre-fashion merchandising major too. He didn’t ultimately go to Kent State b/c he got into FIT. But from what I remember, his SAT score was just a little too low to be a direct admit into his major. I believe that he had a gpa requirement to meet his first semester to be admitted.

My daughter (a junior) has recently decided she would like to major in fashion design. Actually, I think she has been thinking about it for a long time, but she just let me know recently. My husband is an engineer and has been pushing STEM and engineering her whole life, so I think she was worried about saying she wants to study Fashion Design. I just want her to be happy and study something she is truly interested in. She has been learning to sew with my mom (who is a great seamstress) for the past 9 months or so. She is taking a fashion design elective this semester, but she feels like she is very “behind”. She is planning on taking more classes over the summer. She is also going to try to get in the Kent State fashion academy this summer.

I guess I’m looking for advice on what she needs to do in the next few months to make sure her college applications to fashion design school is as strong as possible. How well does she need to be able to sew before design school? Does she have any shot at a school like FIT? I have a friend with daughters who started with little skills and went to a big state school with a fashion design major (tho, I think their dept. is small and the school is not on any lists of fashion design schools that I can find), they are in the process of transferring to FIT and it looks like they will most likely get in. Idk if maybe this is a better way from my daughter to go in order to build up some skills (then try to transfer to FIT or other fashion design program).

Sorry to jump into your thread, but I couldn’t find much anywhere about Fashion Design majors. Thanks!

I don’t know much about the design majors (my son is in the business school), but I’ve spoken to a dozen or so parents of FIT kids, and many of their kids seemed to have taken one of FIT’s pre-college classes. My own son did a fashion pre-college camp at LIM College the summer after his junior year. I think doing some sort of fashion class or camp is great to make sure the student really wants to study fashion and also shows colleges they’re serious.

I think for the art/design programs the portfolio is very important, and you should probably go to one of FIT’s portfolio review days before she applies to give her the best shot of acceptance. And also, there are a ton of youtube videos of people sharing the portfolios they used to get into FIT, so I’d look there too.

FIT does not take transfer credits for the major. So if your daughter is taking any fashion classes at a state school or community college, she’ll probably have to retake them at FIT. They take transfer credit for gen eds only.

Hi! I’m helping my daughter too right now find the best fit for a fashion apparel & design program. My daughter has decided that a large public school that has a strong fashion apparel & design program would best suit her needs. If she decides she want to pursue other career paths she won’t be locked into a private school that only specialized in fashion, apparel & design. Also many of the larger public universities have strong programs and the cost is much more reasonable. Check out Iowa State University. If you search up best fashion apparel & design programs they are always listed. They have wonderful study abroad opportunities, a school fashion magazine and 4 different paths for apparel design to choose from. Iowa State also give out great merit money for students coming in with high gpa’s. You will not need a portfolio in advance, instead there is a portfolio review after your first semester. This is the case with most public universities. Also check out University of Minnesota, Auburn, University of Miami Oxford OH, University of Delaware, University of Cincinnati, Michigan State University. I’ve gone over the options and these seem to be the best for public. The private schools are expensive, you need portfolios to be admitted and are not as broad. Hope this helps!

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We are narrowing down our list of schools with Fashion(Merch and Design) programs. Curious @Rosie2010, were there any other schools you discovered that made it to your list.? We looked at most of the schools you listed as well. We visited Kent (their program is impressive and the Fashion School is beautiful with a large enrollment) Missouri State. Miami Ohio and Univ of Rhode Island’s(program are part of their business school), and University of Georgia, We still have FIT and SCAD on our list as well.

Would love to hear from anyone at the Kent School of Fashion currently. Pros and Cons. Kent State remains at the top of my DD’s list. Thank you.

Decided to stick with public university: University of Wisconsin, University of Georgia, Auburn, University of Delaware, Colorado State, University of Cincinnati, Miami of Ohio, Michigan State & Mizzou. Did you visit the program specifically for fashion design at Miami of Ohio. The Co-major bit is confusing. Did you say it’s part of the business school? It looks like you would pick another major to get a degree in and then take fashion as a co-major but your degree would be in the other major? Not sure I’m getting that bit.

@Rosie2010. Correct, the Miami Ohio Fashion program is a co-major within a primary major. Any schools standing out and at the top of your list? Is Iowa still being considerred? We are touring Mizzou this week.

We did visit Iowa State and daughter didn’t like the campus…to in the middle of nowhere for her.