Pre-MCAT classes

<p>Hi, I am a current freshman biochemistry major tentatively planning to take the MCAT after my sophomore year, and I'm in the process of planning the science classes to take next year.</p>

<p>Having taken intro chem, orgo I and a year of intro bio already, I will definitely take orgo 2, gen chem 2, and 2 semesters of physics, but I'm trying to decide which bio electives to take in addition to those. I'm thinking physiology in the fall (since it doesn't have a lab, and I don't want to triple up on labs when one is orgo) and either cell bio or genetics in the spring. I will have to take both eventually for my major, but any thoughts on which is more beneficial for the MCAT would be wonderful.</p>

<p>As an aside, I would like to get the MCAT over with before junior year so that I can study abroad with out the prospect of the test looming, and while all the content is fresh in my head before a semester all in Spanish with no science. I don't have to decide for spring semester now, but I do like to plan ahead. Thanks!</p>