Pre med advice- Traditional route, advice re: preparation

Can plan B be going to dental school? Is DAT easier than MCAT?

The DAT is different from the MCAT, but I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily easier. DAT has less science and more math than the MCAT. The CARS section of DAT is shorter. But the DAT heavily tests spatial visualization (pattern folding, rotational imaging, etc)–something the MCAT does not test at all.

Dental school has many of same science pre-reqs as med school, requires the same high GPA and sGPA needed for med school admission, but requires dentistry related ECs and shadowing. Additionally for dental school, you need to demonstrate you have the necessary manual dexterity to perform repetitive fine motor tasks within the confined space of a person’s mouth.

Admission to dental school is competitive. Only about 50% of applicants get an acceptance.

In short, no, dental school is not good Plan B for a pre med.