Pre-Med at University of Nebraska- Lincoln?

<p>I've been considering this college for a bit now, but want more info on their pre-med program. Before anyone kills me, I know pre-med is not a program. By program, I mean advising, competitiveness, and clinical/research opportunities. Thank you!
And yes, I did post this in the UNL forum, but I also decided to post it here because I received a very angry response telling me to post it here. Thanks again!</p>

<p>Clarify- which school are you interested in? There is no “premed program” being premed is an intention, not a major. At UW there are as many ways to be premed as there are students. There are several general chemistry courses to start with and several different ways to get the biology. Navigate the UW website and read their advice for premed students. Wherever you go plan a major you actively like, not just one you think is good for premed.</p>

<p>Here is a link to UW-Madison Pre-Health Advising website:</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;