<p>If you are thinking about going into medicine, College Park is perhaps the WORST place to attend for your undergraduate years. I would recommend the neighboring UMBC instead. Why? Hear me out:</p>
<p>1) The Chemistry and Biochemistry departments are absolutely horrendous. I can guarantee you that you will not learn ANYTHING from the professors here who teach Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry (I-III) and General Chemistry. There are exceptions, and I can name them off the top of my head. For Organic Chemistry, Dixon, Montague Smith, and Falvey are the only worthwhile teachers. And Montague Smith is the Department Chair. As far as the Biochemistry department, Montague Smith and George Lorimer come to mind. But Lorimer is about to retire, and Montague only teaches once in a while. The other teachers are a JOKE and and leave it up to you to study; the exams are recycled every year, and in EVERY course, there will always be a handful of cheaters/gunners who manage to get their hands on these exams, and do incomparably better than the rest of the class, screwing up the curve. The exams themselves are not hard, but if a group of people knows every question, word for word, then you are basically screwed as far as the curve is concerned. Did I mention that the professors are absolutely horrible and dont know how to teach? Your Organic Chemistry class will have >200 students and thus office hours are almost non-existent.</p>
<p>Oh, and dont even get me started about the lab- its a game of copy and paste. Once again, you will learn nothing, but the art of avoiding academic dishonesty. There is a "TA help room" where all the people in labs congregate to copy answers off of each other (when they are not doing so in the library, or dorm room, etc) The lab reports are graded arbitrarily, and depending on the luck of the draw, you get a "good" or "bad" TA- a.k.a- gives you full points, or no points at all. These TAs are WORTHLESS! The Chemistry department hires graduate students who are very bitter about having to manage a group of undergrads and grade lab reports. I have personally seen the same TA, give more points to a friend of mine, for the exact same answer. There is nothing you can do about it. The only way to get an A in the labs, is to reuse old reports and to get answers from the TAs. Are you seeing a pattern here? The midterms, and especially the final for the lab is HORRENDOUSLY hard and contains questions that there is no way to study for- it contains questions that you are never taught in the labs. </p>
<p>If you don't believe the whole "recycling" exams thing, contact me- I will personally email you examples of a Biochemistry exam reused over and over again- for the past three years- not even the numbers were changed. Some people in this class were walking in with the answer key in their hand, writing down the answers and walking out with an A+. I can even give you the name of the teacher, if you so inquire- V. Tugarinov. It was pure madness and made me lose all faith in the UMD Biochemistry department/degree. I am almost positive that he will reuse them AGAIN in the fall. </p>
<p>2) The Biology department is HIT/MISS. IT all depends on the professors you have. There is a lot of rumor on good/bad professors, and most of it is true. Its not even funny how different the grading standards/what you learn is for the SAME class, and a different professor. This also goes for the Math department. To give you an example: My cell bio professor was incredibly challenging (supposedly- I thought my high school teacher was harder in AP Biology) and gave out 30 As, 45 Bs, 97 Cs, 28 Ds, and a couple Fs. For the same class, Spring semester, the exams were MUCH easier (think 10th grade Bio) and the professor gave out EXTRA credit. Grade breakdown? 69 As, 87 Bs, 20 Cs, and no Ds. HUGE difference. I can guarantee you that I learned more with my professor, and that a B in my professors class is more than equal to an A in the other guy's class- but Medical schools dont know that. Out of all the courses I have taken so far- and I have taken a few- almost all had content that we completely covered in high school. You learn nothing new in the 100 and 200 level courses here at UMD- this goes only for the Bio department, btw. These courses are a joke, and by cramming for them the night before the exam, you can easily secure an A in the class. </p>
<p>3)The student body is a mix of good/horrible students- and the latter will do anything it takes to get an A in the class. I personally know a group of such students who barely made it into UMD- they scored below 1200/2400 on their SAT and got in through freshman connection- who have a 3.9+ GPA- I was curious as to how this was possibly, especially since they cant form a coherent sentence in conversation. It turns out that they choose classes that they have the exams for beforehand, and even while in the class, they cheat off of different sections- for instance, if they have the exact same exam later in the day- they cheat using materials from the exam earlier in the day- one of these individuals was bold enough to record his question/answer from a fellow student who took it earlier in the morning. Absolutely amazing. </p>
<p>4) The buildings and infrastructure are very poor and the faculty are more interested in their research, not teaching. </p>
<p>5) The prehealth professions office is just horrible and the pre-med support system on campus is non-existent. </p>
<p>6) You can forget about getting into a good medical school, unless you have amazing off-campus EC's, an MCAT above 37R, and an almost perfect G.P.A. Every year, only people who have a 4.0/40 MCAT and amazing extracurriculars, (and I'm talking publications, Musical talent/performances, and leadership) have a shot at getting into Hopkins- even then, there is a preference for URMs- or minorities. Also, I should mention that people who are in Gemstone or Honors have a higher chance right off the bat, as the committee letter writers give them a higher/better evaluation letter. You can check these statistics for your self at the Reed Yorke Advising office website. What they dont show in their statistics, is that the people who get into the top programs any given year, are repeated (i.e The same person who got into Duke, got into Hopkins, Yale, etc) The only school that has the most success (if any) is Hopkins, and even then, most people who go to Hopkins are URM, and/or post-bacc students with degrees from Ivy league colleges. I personally know all of the people who got into Johns Hopkins last year- and out of 6 or so who actually went- 4 were non trads/post baccs. </p>
<p>Just avoid UMD. I regret turning down an Ivy to come here.</p>