I plan to apply to the 2020 cycle and I will be graduating with a BS in Biology this year. However, my gpa is not that great:
cum 3.27 and science 3.0. I had already taken the MCAT and I got a 514.
My ECs are
~ 400 hours of volunteering at the ER
~50 hours volunteering at the physical therapy outpatient
~50 hours volunteering an OBGYN clinic
- license in phlebotomy for 1 year
~ 30 hours of shadowing an ER doctor and many PAs
~40 hours interning as a phlebotomist at an OBGYN clinic
- VP of the premed club at my school
- tutored English orphaned children in Vietnam over Skype for a month
- helping with a foundation to feed the homeless for ~6 months
- private after school for elementary children for 3 years
- research for 1 and 1/2 years at school lab
- I live in CA btw, of course I will try to apply everywhere
Do I have a chance? I am open to both DO and MD school. I am leaning more towards DO though. Thank you for the advice and the help 
I’m no expert in this. But at the very least I would say you need to take a gap year. It looks like you have so much great experience and clearly want to be a physician. But a 3.27 won’t cut it. Not sure what school you go to. I know grade deflation at many schools for the weed out classes is no joke. Hopefully you will get better advice both here and with your school advisor on how to proceed but I wanted to chime in because my D is also premed and I can appreciate how much work it takes to try to reach that goal and you clearly have done a lot of hard work.
The advice given in your previous thread would still apply. On a more immediate basis, your grades this semester may be a big help with overall GPA(with a gap year-or more) so stay focused on your studies and re-assess at the end of the school year. Have you made plans for after graduation? I ask because it does not appear that you’ve applied to or will be attending any additional schooling after graduation.
Thank you. I planned on applying for the 2020 cycle so after I graduate in Spring 2019, I will taking a gap year or that is considered my year off if I were to be accepted in to med school for that cycle so I hope that I would be attending in Fall of 2020. Yeah, I am not applying to any other graduate programs. I already calculated that I will graduate with a 3.3 cum and 3.0 science gpa.
Please post your year-by-year GPA grid, both cumulative and science.
Trends are important.
But unless you have the most spectacular upward trend in history, I’d say MD is out of the question. DO is possibility depending on what your junior and senior grades look like.
SMPs were developed expressly for people in your situation. Consider applying to SMPs along with a broad range of DO programs. A SMP is probably your best chance for a med school admission.
When did you take the MCAT? When will it no longer be good?
What will your GPAs be at the end of this year. If you wait to submit your app during summer 2020, and you take some BCPM classes during the 2019-20 year, how much could you improve your GPA?
IMHO, you might have go through a SMP program and do well in it. It’s the only way med school can confirm your ability to complete a program.