Pre-Med/Pre-Pharm double major

<p>How hard do you think that it would be to get a double major in pre-pharmacy and pre-med? My plan was to just go with pharmacy, finish school and start a career, pay off all of my loans, and then go back to school for psychiatry. But after looking at the classes I realized that a lot of the prerequisites are the same.</p>

<p>1.) majoring in any thing “pre-” is a terrible idea no matter what your uni professors say. With the down economy and massive off shoring of our jobs, everyone and their mother wants to get into medical school these days because it is the only profession people see as offering high wages and a shred of job stability. If you don’t make into med school you’re screwed with a “pre-med” degree. Just major in something useful and take the prereqs for med school on the side just so you have a back up plan in case you don’t get in. Many, many, many people don’t get in their first try applying and end up having to go to grad school or work a job for a few years before trying again. Make yourself employable.</p>

<p>2.) So your plan is go to pharmacy school and then med school? Or is it just to do anything after you graduate? If it is the former, it is a terrible idea. After interest, you’ll be paying off half a million dollars in loans, if not more. Despite what you are told, out here in the real world, more education isn’t always better, especially when it comes at the cost of huge student loan debt. It’s also not as easy to pay off as you think or what you wrote down on paper. Life happens, and if you end up with $400k in debt from both pharm and med school, you’ll be paying it off for 20 or 30 years, even on a doctor’s income.</p>

<p>Haha are they even majors? Why not add pre-law for triple major?</p>