Pre Med/Pre Pharm: UC Davis vs UC Irvine vs UC Santa Barbara

Hello guys! I am happy to say I have been accepted to UC Davis, UC Irvine, and UC Santa Barbara. I am hoping to get some first-hand information of how or why you chose one UC over the others. I am still unsure if I want to pursue pharmacy or become a physician. Therefore, internships and job shadowing will be valuable to me. I am also curious about how you would describe the student bodies of each campus as well. I do know that UC Santa Barbara does not have a medical center and, is that significant at all if you are undergraduate? I have visited all three of the colleges but obviously, you are basing your first impression on a small frame of time. Do students want to collaborate or are students reluctant to help others due to the cutthroat nature of a school? Also what is there to do in each school and what is popular? If you attend or attended one of three UCs tell me how much you enjoyed your experience and if there is something you would have done differently. If there is also any additional information I may want to know, please share the information with me.