Pre-Med/Research at UM?

<p>Hi, I plan to major in Biology. UM will be one of my choices, but I'm still wondering if it's worth the money, especially since I can go OOS for a better univ at the same price. Of course, staying in Florida will be much more convenient. How is UM for research and facilities, and just overall for premed? Thank you.</p>

<p>Bump…any ideas?</p>

<p>Only you can decide if it’s worth it, obviously, but it was for me.</p>

<p>We have an excellent pre-med program, with a lot of research opportunities both in Coral Gables and on our med school campus. Even in big classes (read: intro level classes) the professors set aside lots of time for students. My favorite professor, actually, and the one that I feel I got to know the best, taught me in a class with about 150 other students. But he was always in his office, and I would spend about 5 hours with him every week talking about the subject (as well as other things! :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>That’s the biggest upside to UM, imo - the personalized attention you can get. For med school admissions, the MCAT and GPA are a relatively small part of your application (compared to law school admissions, where they comprise 90% of your application). Recommendations are really important, and if you can get a good rec from a professor who knows you well then you will have great opportunities. And UM puts you in a great place for that.</p>

<p>We also have excellent researchers teaching and who work with students. Akira Chiba, for example, has one of the world’s most important protein-study laboratories and hires quite a lot of student assistants (I worked in his lab for a while, and a friend of mine does now).</p>

<p>If you have any specific questions let me know. And if this post doesn’t make sense, forgive me, I just got my wisdom teeth removed and I’m on some strange drugs.</p>

<p>Rankinr have you graduated from UM? Are you in grad school now? If so where?</p>

<p>No, I’ll be a senior this year. And I’m not pre-med - pre-law actually. But I’m a bio major so I know a lot of pre-meds and so I know a lot about pre-med, anecdotally.</p>

<p>I will be a freshman this year! I am going to be pre-med. In high school I always thought I’d go pre-law haha</p>

<p>Thank you so much Rankinr! Thats interesting, so were you initially interested in PreMed? I’ve heard a lot of people who switch over to PreLaw. Just another quick question, how is the financial aid if you have any idea? Thanks :)</p>