<p>My daughter is a junior at a very solid public high school. At the end of freshman year, she took a college trip and loved Tufts and Brown. We suspect she would not get into Brown but has a decent shot at Tufts. </p>
<p>(Stats for those who like this sort of thing: about 3.6uw gpa-- but she was sick for most of 10th grade so that should go up, she had 2 APs soph year, 3 APs junior year and probably 4-5 senior year, tests -- hasn't taken official tests, I am guessing 650-730, underrepresented minority and some decent extracurriculars including a rather prestigious liberal arts fellowship)</p>
<p>She is interested in dentistry and Tufts, of course, has a dental school. But I am concerned when I hear it is so difficult to get good grades in the science courses since those grades are a key factor in getting her where she wants to go. I am also concerned that we will simply not be able to afford Tufts. (I'm a single parent with 3dc.)</p>
<p>Can anyone give me some insight on going pre-med/ pre-dental at Tufts? And does anyone have any other suggestions for schools we should consider? Personally, I think women's LAC (Bryn Mawr, Mt Holyoke) would be more supportive <em>and</em> they have more than expressed an interest in her. At this point, she has reservations about attending a single-gender school.</p>
<p>Also, for her senior year schedule... She can either take AP Statistics or non-AP Calculus. I think the Calculus would be better preparation but the AP will be weighted more. Any advice?</p>