<p>FYI - our school has a nurse part of the week and since volunteers are required to have TB tests she does those as well. . . . Well if your school has one and if that’s all your missing may want to check if student can get it there. Student appreciates one less hassle.</p>
<p>S had his TB test done last week and doctor filled out the Health Center form; we faxed it to Bama. He was current with all other immunizations.</p>
<p>When I applied, I went to the admission office and applied in person and was accepted immediately. Just goes to show how things have changed.</p>
<p>That’s a thought, faxing it. Thanks for the suggestion, sophocles! Will bring the original just in case!</p>
<p>We are going to the early honors orientation Friday. I was concerned about having the necessary paperwork. My DS is allergic to the TB tine so we have to do a chest xray(today). I wasn’t sure I could get the results by tomorrow when we are leaving. I called the health center and they said they only needed the records before he moved into the dorms. They said it would not put a hold on registration. We got the menectra today anyway, but just so no one panics!</p>
<p>Whew! Good for everyone to know. I guess they publish the threat of delaying registration just to jump-start our engines :)</p>