<p>I'm appling to various UCs but I'm aiming for UCLA w. a bus Econ major.
My problem is that 3 of my pre reqs (Engl 102, Calc 2, Acc 2) are incomplete,
I am planning on taking them spring semester.
I have been getting mixed answers from councelors and this forum,
can someone confirm whether I'm still qualified for admission?
or should do I have to wait until next year?</p>
<p>you’re good as long as you finished it by spring. Although the math requirement was recommended to be finished early, but they’ll still accept your app.</p>
<p>There’s no business school at UCLA right? so technically it’s Letters and Science: Economics not business economics right? I’m just wondering for my own sake</p>
<p>There is a business economics major.</p>
<p>Anderson School of Management has the graduate business program as well as an undergraduate accounting minor.</p>
<p>is business economics the only business major UCLA offers?</p>
<p>bump bump…anyone?</p>
<p>Business economics is not a business major. It’s really just econ with a few accounting courses slipped in. Many people apply to bizecon thinking it’s business and get disappointed. But as long as they’re going to UCLA, they’d be pretty happy either way. XD</p>