<p>I did okay in Algebra 2 last year but I'm doing terrible in precalc. I got a D on the last test and have a C- overall. Stupid math :(</p>
<p>I found precalc extremely easy first tri (98%), although math comes naturally to me. What are you having trouble with?</p>
<p>geez what’s up with precalc being so hated…it’s the same as Alg II only at a faster pace</p>
<p>i found precalc much harder than algebra II. it’s also harder than calc, with my teacher… but it’s something we all have to deal with eventually. sorry. :</p>
<p>Imo HS precalc is harder than HS calculus. It’s not bad though. Try to understand the reasons behind all the theorems/concepts. It makes it easier.</p>
<p>try being in differential equations lol
but i actually found precalc to be one of the easiest math classes that i took in high school
what do you need help with?</p>
<p>Geometry was the easiest math class for me… although my highest grade was in pre-cal.</p>
<p>I agree, precalc is very boring.</p>
<p>omg pre-calc is a killer class at my school… and i;m not even talking about honors… i have a C+…</p>
<p>Pre-cal is sooooo boring. I usually ace the tests but I suck at doing hw.</p>
<p>i took sat II MATH 2 w/o taking precalc and i got 740</p>
<p>^ but does pre-calc help for SAT II math 2? b/c i’m planning to take the Math 2…but i need a lot of practice…i’m currently taking pre-calc…and its going well for me…any suggestions? math I or math 2?</p>
<p>Pre-Calc is the most worthless class ever at my school. I slept 95% of the time, and I’m doing fine in calculus now. For realz.</p>
<p>good luck in real math classes later…</p>
<p>I never took pre-calc and I never will. I’m doing pretty good in calc 3 in college.</p>
<p>Im in Calc im barely staying afloat with 80’s, and it is WAY HARDER than Pre Calc
and I destroyed pre calc</p>
<p>At my school, pre-calc isn’t hard AT ALL (easiest math class I’ve taken since seventh grade). Calc is the killer; I’m so nervous to take it next year but know I need it. :(</p>
<p>pre-calc is fine, but my teacher is TERRIBLE. absolutely doesn’t explain anything. her style is 'tell them everything except what will actually be tested/what’s important."</p>
<p>for example, we learned about some topic (i forget) for about 5-6 days. she mentions something vaguely about this topic and says it’s “totally unrelated, not important at all, won’t affect anything, I wouldn’t even bother to even TELL you this…but whatever.” And that was on all the questions of the test. rawr, i hate when my teachers LIE to me like that</p>
<p>how can all of these precalc classes be so different? aren’t they supposed to be sort of… standardized? it is math, after all.</p>
<p>precalc sucks… did better in calc
tho it could’ve been the precalc teacher; i couldn’t listen to him without falling asleep ;_;
seriously, i know tons of people who like failed precalc but did pretty well in calc. hopefully it will get better… ;P</p>