Precalc... i've heard it's easy...

<p>I want to skip out of precalc and go on to AP calculus next year, but I dunno if I'll be missing a lot of stuff or if precalc is easy enough to miss.</p>

<p>Any advice?</p>

<p>I did it. Don’t worry I didn’t miss too much. Just read some chapters over the summer and you’ll do fine.</p>

<p>thanks </p>


<p>if ur good at math do it, if not don’t. I had a 102% in algebra 2 but got a 93.5 in precalc.</p>

<p>I found pre-calculus to be exceedingly difficult because very few of the topics were connected to one another, but AP Calculus AB was so stream-lined and thus very easy to me. Now that I look back, I felt like if I would have taken Algebra Two, then learned some Trig over the summer, I could have skipped this wretched course altogether (this was also the general sentiment in my pre-calculus class).</p>

<p>OMG powerbomb. 102% –> 93.5% You must feel like a failure?</p>

<p>I find that people usually take Precalculus so that they could focus on their other AP classes more and get a higher grade in those classes. If you want to skip it all together, considering looking at the Honors Precalculus class first, then seeing about AP Calculus.</p>

<p>LOL, meadow, I was just trying to show how easy I thought alg2 was and how big of a leap it is going in to Precalc.</p>

<p>I found pre-calc to be very difficult and I find Calculus to be a lot easier. I honestly cant say if I’m using the concepts that I learned in pre-calc now because Calculus just seems to easy. I agree with the others in regards to skipping it only if you have had a alg 2 or trig class. I did not have either when I took pre-cal so that may be why I found it to be hard.</p>

<p>You need to be good with trig. The concepts of calculus are relatively easy to learn or memorize - it’s the trig, algebra, and the behavior of functions that make it more difficult.</p>

<p>If you don’t know your unit circle and basic functions inside and out, you’ll get stuck on the non-calculator section of the AP exam.</p>

<p>In many states, Pre-cal is just Algebra II all over again. However, you should know that there are TONS of threads on CC of juniors and senior way over there head in pre-cal.</p>

<p>I’m in concurrence with aigiqinf</p>

<p>Personally it was easy but perhaps its not for others</p>

<p>Pre-calc is just about as hard as Algebra II or Algebra I. Take that as you will.</p>

<p>its hard. I find it quite difficult…but thats partially because I am taking a very hard courseload and so I find it somwhat hard to devote as much time as I normally would in this class. </p>

<p>Next semester I’ll do better. If you’re a strong student do it, but i am not sure what topics are covered in calc so you may potentially have some difficulty in your next class.</p>

<p>I didn’t skip pre-calc, but it wasn’t honors so basically nothing was taught. Then I got a 5 on Calc BC.</p>

<p>Yea, I think generally it’s better to skip Algebra II. But if you’re really motivated and good at math, then as long as you read over the new stuff in Pre-Calc, you should be fine.</p>

<p>How hard is Pre-Calc comapred to Algebra 2 and Honors Trig?</p>

<p>I did so poorly in Algebra 1 because I guess I was immature as a freshmen but I aced Algebra 2 and Honors Trig both with 95’s.</p>

<p>Do you think I will at least score an 80 in Pre-Calc with Senioritis?</p>

<p>One kid in my school skipped from Algebra 2 AA to Calc AB. They wouldn’t let him skip all the way to BC, and really, if he did, what would he do with his next two years in high school? If you’re really good at math, do it. Pre-Cal just solidifies your Algebra skills, if you don’t need that, it’s pointless. But I think very few people can skip Pre-Cal and go into BC. My school only offers AA (advanced), AB and BC calc, so if I had skipped, I would have gone for AA (equally weighted). I’d head for the least advanced calc if skipping. If the course proves to easy, move up. Don’t get involved in BC and then move back to AB after failing your first quarter.</p>

<p>Precalc, at least at my school, is basically algebra 2 all over again.</p>

<p>Algebra 2 is very hard, but precalc is a cake class.</p>

<p>hm… at my school precalc goes into calc stuff by 2nd semester, so it’s actually considered a very tough class.</p>