Predict Nov 1st CR CURVE !

<p>What yall think its going to be?</p>

<p>i hope it’s -2=800
that’s what it was last May… and I thought this one was waaaaaaaaaaaay harder
the sentence completions ravaged me.</p>

<p>-2 800
-3 780
-4 760
-5 740
-6 720
-7 710
-8 690</p>

<p>That’s pretty generous… I hope it’s that good.</p>

<p>^ yeah it better be! gah, stupid vocab haha. What’s really funny is the fact that I got all of the super-tough ones (antediluvian, chicanery, ameliorate), but I missed some medium vocab like precluded and solicitous. Bah, humbug, SAT!</p>

<p>P.S. Did anyone ever figure out if that one was UNIQUE or ARCHETYPAL?</p>