Predict Sat Ii Math2 Scores!

<p>Give a score range if you'd like :)</p>

<p>Guessed 1
Omitted 7</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>750-800. 10char</p>

<p>Guess: 0
Omitted: 0
Wrong: Idk. There could be so many lol</p>

<p>I felt pretty confident about the other 42 questions..hoping curve will be nice this time haha. thanks, duper.</p>

<p>Omitted : 3</p>

<p>Wrong : Probably 5-7?</p>

<p>today's test...? omit 4, confident about the rest.
still nervous though</p>

<p>i just took math1... what can you predict my score...</p>

<p>40 right 5 wrong 5 omit</p>

<p>mhakim33, probably around a 670</p>

<p>He was like third in queue What about my prediction?</p>

<p>i think mhakim33's score would be above 700. 5 wrong = -1 penalty -> a raw score of 39.</p>

<p>According to SAT II Blue Book and REA</p>

<p>Me: Guessed 1 Omit 7

<p>Tsenguun: Guessed 0 Omit 0
800 (lol)</p>

<p>Ajayc: Wrong 5-7 Omit 3

<p>Mhakim33: Wrong 5 Omit 5

<p>That is, if we got all the other ones correct lol</p>

<p>I hope its 780 :D</p>

<p>according to sparknote ajayc... you have a raw score of 38-40 which is 750-770</p>

<p>you know there are always dumb mistakes lol. fellowccviewer, can you post a curve for Japanese with listening from the book on Nov Japanese thread???</p>

<p>i predict the curve is going to be really high this time around</p>

<p>hb me?? </p>

<p>4 omits </p>

<p>0~2 wrong</p>

<p>@Wilbeezy: do you mean it'll be easier or harder to get an 800?</p>

<p>@Wolf: 790-800</p>

<p>i answered 29 with CERTAINTY. The first half of the test was easy.</p>

<p>after that, i skipped around and winded up answering only 36 questions out of the entire 50 questions.</p>


<p>Anyway, what would my score be? I hope i get above 600 :(</p>

<p>Haha, I was hoping ppl could predict what I got but it turns out to be the opposite way around lol</p>

<p>@ Esviel: Raw score of 29 is 640. If you missed the 7 uncertain ones, lowest score is 580. If you got all 36 correct, 710. (According to SAT II Blue Book)</p>

<p>haha i'm like don't even wanna look at my Math II scores...when they come out lol</p>

<p>first part of the test was good...then i omitted 20...but finished early..went back to look at those 20, found out i knew how to do 10 of them...and was hitting myself for omitting them in the first place...and i know i omitted 10...yea.....
i know if i get 11 rite...i get a 500 so whoopdeedoo hahah...have to rely on my math I score :P</p>