Predict your AP scores.

<p>I thought i could weave the books with his topic...oh well if the grader thinks its "different" I may do alright. Besides I think I can get at least a 5 on that essay. Dont you? lol Im scared now.</p>

<p>Nvm Im not scared anymore I just think you dont understand what I did. I used the two books to prove why people conform to society.</p>

<p>Calc AB - 5
Stats - 5
Chem - 5</p>

<p>Nothing like math and science tests. Not even going to bother to take the English exam next year.</p>

<p>holy ****
the ap lang today was sooo hard</p>

<p>bc i'm illiterate</p>


<p>ap lang - 2, hoping for 3
ap ush - 4
ap chem - 5</p>

<p>haha i wouldnt say ur illiterate...besides we just did a ton of prep in my class (essay every thursday for over a semester, and about 5 practice tests)</p>

<p>ElCommando-I used literary examples as well; my teacher trained us to use historical and literary examples whenever possible. She always has a really high pass rate in her class so it must be okay.</p>

<p>ap spanish - 4
ap stats - 5
ap english - 4/5
ap bio - 4/5
ap physics c - 5
ap gov - 3/4</p>


<p>calc ab: 5
english lit: 4/5; pretty sure about a 5
us gov: hahaha, um, 3 is probably my upper limit.
physics b: 4
chem: 4/5</p>

<p>language - 4
world - 4or5
com sci -4
stat - 5
eng literature - 4? i have to get a 5though
europ - 4or5</p>

<p>World: 5 or possibly a 4
Macro: 5</p>

<p>Calc BC: 4.7
APUSH: 4.3
Chemistry: 4.7</p>

<p>man, 1 more hour.. Oh MY GOSH!!!</p>

<p>thats good to know Hamster!!!!</p>

<p>Calculus BC: 4, 3 if unlucky, 5 if lucky
English Literature: 3/4, hopefully a 4
Physics C: um... my class was a Physics B class and I struggled a bit. hopefully 3/4/ or maybe even a 5
Chemistry: 3-5
US Gov: 4/5
Comparative: 4/5</p>

<p>ooh, forgot one
European History: 5</p>

<p>English Language: 4 or 5
Calculus BC: 3 or 4 >_<
US History: 4 or 5
Psychology: 3 or 4, or 5 if i remain motivated through this weekend</p>

<p>Calc AB: 5
Span Lang: Prolly a 3 (hopefully higher!!!)
Physics: 4
Microecon: 5</p>

<p>Calc AB: planning on 4, praying for 5 :)
US History: eh...somewhere between 1 and 5, probably 4</p>

<p>Lang: Hopefully a 4 :(
Calc: 5
Chem: 5
Macro: 5
Micro Haven't looked at it yet, but I'm shooting for 4 and up.</p>

<p>AB Calc- probably 3 maybe 4
AP Lit- likely 3
AP Art History- 4 with a likely 5
AP Psych 3-5 no idea how hard it is...</p>

<p>Lang/Comp: 5. No doubt.
Biology: 4. 5 if I'm lucky, but probably just the 4.
US History: 4. Maybe 5. Definitely 4.</p>