Preferred choice for Calc 2 Professor

DS is putting together potential class schedules and wanted feedback on the preferred choice of Professor from current or past students (he’s already reviewed Rate my Professor).

Who are the choices?

Hadji, Chen, Ames, Song & Evans…Corson’s class shows filled already? How can his class already be filled?

Corson’s class could be filled with sophs.

Hadji or Evans would be good choices.

I had Evans and would highly recommend him. He is a good balance of being very thorough but also fair. His tests are generally pick 8 questions of 10, which I found helpful. I learned a lot in his class and he has become somewhat of a mentor to me. I now have him for Linear.

Hsia if he is teaching it is VERY good.

Thanks all…I’ll pass the info. along.

FYI…Yes, Evans and Hsia were a couple of my kids’ fave math profs. Hadji was also one of my younger son’s faves. Hadji was voted fave professor a couple of years ago by the students.

Halpern and Trace are genius brainiacs. Their classes are challenging.

If Corson has any spots opened up during Bama Bound, I highly recommend him! I’m in his Calc 3, and he is excellent.