<p>Not Sure if there is already a discussion on this. Sorry in advance if there is, but curious about who's thinking of going to the PSP(prefreshman summer program) at Cornell this summer?</p>
<p>I have to if I want to go to Cornell… I’m feeling a bit stupid Is your attendence required? I’m not with EOP/HEOP (or at least I don’t think so… I never applied or anything) so I’m wondering why it’s mandatory. But I’ll probably go. What college are you in? I’m in engineering
<p>Hi @LunaLola. My attendance isn’t required (at least I don’t think), but they said I’ve been selected to come so I’m not sure if that means that I have to or if I have a choice. I’m still 50/50 as of now. I have a lot of productive things for the summer but the PSP thing seems more urgent. I’m in CALS btw-- congrats in getting in to engineering.
(What did it say in your letter about your attendance being required? Just curious.) </p>
<p>Ps Don’t feel stupid! The experience will be nothing but positive according to what others are saying.
And thanks for replying!</p>
<p>@LunaLola What level of math, physics, chemistry, and computer science did you get to in high school? A lot of people in engineering may be required to attend if they were not able to reach the minimum standards at their high school because they weren’t offered to them or because they think you will have trouble adjusting to Cornell (like small, rural public high school, first generation, etc)</p>
<p>I am also required to attend. Not sure what I’m doing yet. I got into Brown and Columbia and chosen to be a Kluge Scholar at Columbia so I have to idea what to do at this point. I want to spend my last summer at home though, so Cornell might be out</p>
<p>@DreamingGirl That might be it… I mean I took AP Bio, AP Chem, got A’s in both and I’m currently in honors physics. I’m in AP calc now, and yeah… Never taken a comp sci class. Oops. I’m also a first generation URM. So maybe plays a part? Uh. Who knows. </p>
<p>@roxie101 The letter just said something like my admission is contingent on attending and successfully completing the pre freshman program. But I think I’m gonna go for it, and I think I’m going to have a great time along with anyone else who goes. I just kinda wish I had a choice in the matter… Or I might just go to Johns Hopkins. But thanks I’m feeling better now! </p>
<p>@LunaLola I’ve only heard great things from my friends at Cornell who did the PSP program, they were much more prepared for Cornell than others in my friend group. Also I’ve heard that Cornell is beautiful in the summer and I will find out myself this summer. Good luck with your decision!</p>
<p>Is it a separate letter that you have received that it says attending PSP is requirement? Just curious.</p>
<p>@LunaLola I’m in the same boat as you. I’m in the college of engineering and they told me that my acceptance was contingent upon my completion of the program. At first when I heard this I was a little upset, because it felt like they were saying I wasn’t good enough for them unless I did summer school. And then I realized that, that didn’t make any sense. I got into Cornell, and if they didn’t think I was good enough they wouldn’t send me to their summer program, they would’ve just rejected me. So now I’m actually really excited to go for the summer. From everything I’ve read it’s a great experience, so this should be a memorable summer. </p>
<p>Hey @DAlexander475 sorry this is such a late reply, but were you also one of the Ryan’s Scholars? Maybe we’ll be in the same classes!</p>