Premed/Honors at Virginia Tech

<p>How is pre-med at Virginia Tech? I have read that there are numerous opportunities for undergraduate research, but can any current premed student give me their perspective on it? I am debating between attending VT, hopefully as an Honors student, and attending a smaller, private college that will have smaller class sizes (currently the other option is Richmond). </p>

<p>Also, any Honors students care to share their experiences with the program?</p>

<p>BUMP: Anyone?</p>

<p>I’m an engineer at tech, but I have a lot of friends who are premed / predental majors. </p>

<p>First off, many people say that Honors doesn’t do much except for something to put on your resume and you get first priority when it comes to selecting classes. As an engineer I don’t have to worry about getting my classes because my class is pretty small, but alot of the bio/chem classes are hard to get into so being in honors would be a good idea if you’re premed. </p>

<p>Don’t trust me on this because this is just what I hear, but the premed here is decent. You can open a premed portfolio, undergrad research is easy to get (you just have to talk to your professors), there’s opportunities to volunteer at free clinics or for the rescue squad. Personally, I think the most important point for choosing VT for a premed route… is that competition here isn’t as high, which means a much better grade. I have a premed friend who transferred to UVA and now he’s back after only one semester because his GPA was getting raped. Even if there is less competition here, it doesn’t mean you learn less. One thing I realized that all schools will teach the same thing, it’s just about how much time you spend hittin the books and go to class.</p>

<p>Btw I know all this because my sister wanted to do premed here, unfortunately she didnt get in…=[ but gl and I hope you choose VT.</p>