Prep Books vs Practice Tests first?

Hello everyone. I think I have broken a world record by searching every single thread in CollegeConfidential about SAT test prep but I have a question. I agree with people who say practice is key. Taking practice tests, reviewing them, and understanding why you got something wrong seems like the best way to improve. However many of these people also recommend some books like Direct Hits, Chungs, ect. Yet no one in the entire forum has exlpained step to step how to work with these. I am in the process of elaborating an SAT study schedule but I dont know what to do first. Should I do prep books first to get a general understanding and recall ideas that may be forgoten and when I am done polish any errors by taking as many tests and reviewing them, or should I do practice tests first and according to my weaknesses work on specific sections on the prep books. Or should I do week days prep books/ week ends practice tests and then practice tests towards the end. I am surprised no one has adressed this yet. Question #2: Work on one section at a time or vary them? (Math on mondays, cr tuesdays, writting wednesdays, ect).

I will love you dearly if you help me! I am taking the test on May as a junior for the first time, havent taken it before.

@HarvardVines‌ heyyy thanks for the help in the other thread. I created this one because I think it will helpp a lot of people plus I want to hear what others have to say. I also Private messaged you if you dont mind taking a look. THank you!



Do some practice tests first to get an idea of the actual material and determine your strengths and weaknesses. From there, you can use prep books to work on the topics and to gain a strategy. Besides the official books, I recommend Barrons, Gruber, and Princeton Review. They helped me get my scores up.

Every person has a different strategy so you have to find what works for you. Depending on your scores and practice scores, you can determine how to proceed from here.

I liked having my kids go through the study sections in the Blue Book, then test to see how they stood. Then they drilled down in the area with lower scores. They studied for a couple hours late Sunday afternoon for several months. Usually only 1 subject per study session (so math one week, essays another, etc)

@HarvardVines‌ are you getting my email or messages? :frowning:

@xiggi‌ I sent you a pm! please reply!

@HarvardVines‌ please check your direct!!!

@HarvardVines‌ or your email!