Prep schools in Switzerland?

<p>I'm looking to go to an American/Canadian University in fall 2009 but I've been thinking recently that it might not be a bad idea to get accustomed to the US system before I go overseas. So I'm maybe considering fall 2010 now. Does anyone know if there are some kind of "prep schools" in switzerland that prepare you for college or some other kind of institutions? It would also help me to improve my english a little bit.</p>

<p>I'd be thrilled if you could help me.
thanks a lot in advance</p>

<p>Or some kind of community college?</p>

<p>Why Switzerland? There are great prep schools in the States that would best prepare you and help you apply. They are also half the cost of the good Swiss preps ($40,000 versus $75,000 USD). Le Rosey is a well loved Swiss school.</p>

<p>I’d like to spend another year in Switzerland before moving. Le Rosey, is that a prep school or some kind of american college?</p>

<p>It’s a quite famous boarding prep school.</p>

<p>ok, but aren’t there prep school for “normal students”, the ones that can’t afford to fork over $ 10’000+?</p>

<p>You will not find a good boarding school in Switzerland for less than 50/60 grand. Le Rosey is not one of the good academic ones, it is, for the most part, filled with spoilt rich kids. However, I would recommend going to Aiglon College if you really want to go to a Swiss, english speaking, boarding school. My little brother went to Le Rosey for one year, disliked the atmosphere, then transferred to Aiglon and loved it.</p>

<p>In fact unless you can get a scholarship there aren’t good boarding schools in the states that cost less than 10,000$. The best ones Milton Academy, Phillips Exeter, Andover etc… All cost 35,000$+ for boarders. But if your strong enough academically and do well on the SSAT you could well get a scholarship. But good means 99% on SSAT, straight As, good extracurriculars and an interesting story.</p>

<p>But wait, he is aready a senior, it would probably be too late for anything but a post grad year and the only sholarships given there would be to impact athletes.</p>

<p>To answer the question, no, in Europe there are basically no prep schoos that are not very expensive.</p>

<p>If you want to get a taste of American college life and inprove your English, go to a university summer program. Harvard, Stanford, and Columbia, for example, have great supervised summer school programs for high school students. They are expensive, but you earn college credit. Brown has some short-term programs, as does University of Southern California.</p>

<p>koh19–check out Leysin American School in Leysin. They are an American IB school in a great location, very nice people. I taught there for two summers (I am a high school teacher) and thought it was a really good school.</p>