<p>Hey guys, I'm currently a junior in highschool and need someone college student's advice/outlook on this concern I've been having. I check CC everyday, usually more than once to get as much info as I can about college, admissions process, sats, act, and the list goes on and on. My question to you is although it's good to be prepared, do any of you feel that you missed out on the "wave of excitement or surprise" by basically knowing everything there is to know about college? Sorry if this isn't a clear question lol but basically I'm just asking if any of you regret researching into college TOO much? all replies are appreciated, thanks!</p>
<p>Sorry for that, it should read some* not someone</p>
<p>I personally don't think that you CAN know "everything there is to know about college". Experiencing something is totally and utterly different than reading about it, which is why it is so important to visit a college before you head off. Also, no one's experience is the same, so you can't read about someone else's experience and assume that it will be the same for you. The only regret that I could think someone might have is if they read something that scares them off of a college, either applying or attending.</p>
<p>Trust me, this is one "surprise" you don't want. Your anxiety will kill you alone.</p>
<p>You want to be prepared for this.</p>
Trust me, this is one "surprise" you don't want. Your anxiety will kill you alone.</p>
<p>You want to be prepared for this.
<p>You don't want to be in the surprised stage when your profs slam you with work anyway.</p>
<p>the "surprise" definetly did not get ruined by coming on CC all throughout my senior year. i read all the advice from people here and sometimes thought about it during the beginning of my freshman year. but there always was that thoguht that "oh, this wont apply to me" or "theyre just exaggerating, college wont be like that". but now i find myself agreeing with what most people said and giving some advice as my own. you can never be "too prepared" for college because no matter what you think itll be like, youll get surprised and shocked by your actually experiences</p>
<p>College confidential doesn't prepare you for the college experience as well as you think it does.</p>
College confidential doesn't prepare you for the college experience as well as you think it does.
<p>True but it helps you get to college.</p>
<p>Of course it does - I never said college confidential has no value.</p>
<p>It just isn't really that helpful in letting you know what to expect once you're already attending a university.</p>