Preparing for next year APs!

<p>Hi guys! wEll i know for most of us, ap's are officially over! however, we still have ap exams next year. ): i was wondering if anybody had the past released multiple choice portions for the following subjects: english literature and composition, psychology, and chinese language and culture. </p>

<p>if you do, it would be awesome if you could send them to me... pm me! (: </p>

<p>also, im willing to trade.. i have the mc portions for ap english language, physics b, apush, chemistry, biology, and calculus ab&bc. again, pm me!!!!! (((:</p>

<p>ew...i don't even want to see the words: "preparing for next year" yet...</p>

<p>Please go away....</p>

<p>Zomg gtfo brain still needs to be resurrected from the dead...</p>

<p>lolllllll so mean ): hahah</p>

<p>i'm not really preparing like studying... it's more like just garnering materials so that i have the security of knowing that i have them... unless this year where i had to get them last minute lol. but yeah, i wont even look at these past mc portions until like a year from now! (: but yeah, if you have any of them, send them my way please!</p>

<p>lol we were just playing :p. But ya I'll trade once i get my hands on some tests</p>

<p>yeah.. i dont have any of those.. but could I have ur released mc for APUSH and AP bio please? all i have is the calc bc released stuff. do a favor for a fellow smart friend. thanks. just pm me. ill be glad to help u on other stuff just ask away.</p>

<p>the op needs a life. start preparing for next yrs right after we finish this yrs? ru insane</p>

<p>Damn I'm still recovering from this year's.</p>

<p>Don't even worry about english lit or psych until mid-April. Seriously.</p>

<p>Chinese, however, might require quite a bit of review unless you are actually taking AP Chinese.</p>

<p>um...a little too early no??????????????</p>

<p>go out and make some friend</p>

<p>notice how rade said friend...even getting one at this point would be a big improvement for you</p>

<p>lol kids are mean on this website.</p>

<p>friends are not important. high school sucks. too many stupid ignorant kids who don't care about their education. I hate those people. I only make friends with the geniuses of my school.</p>


<p>Well, that's explains about how much personality you have, considering your screenname is Stanford1436 and the fact that you only make friends with the geniuses of your school...</p>

<p>god all you pathetic juniors and below....that sucks that yall have to take aps again....i'm done with high school and ap's forever lol....haha</p>

<p>lol wowww seriously people here are so mean... -<em>- i'm not even like preparing right now. just gathering sources as i already said. geeez. and i do have friends -</em>__- i know lots of people spend a lot of time studying and that's all they do but that is seriously not me. stop bagging on people who like study a lot and let them do what they want lol.</p>

<p>Yea i agree with you eternalallure, nothing wrong with gathering resources. Heck I have even started to gather my resources for next year.</p>

<p>Haha well anyway i've gotten some psychology exams.... so now i have apush, chem, psych, physics b, english language, bio, calc ab and calc bc. is anyone willing to trade me for some chinese language and culture and english literature exams? D: pm me! :D</p>