Hey guys,
So I heard that APUSH was a hard class and I wanted to know if there was anything I could do to become familiar with the material before school starts again. Also, what prep books would you recommend for APUSH and AP Comp Gov?
Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
Get PR for APUSH. APUSH is just a lot of info, so I suppose you could go through the entire curriculum. Really no reason to though, as long as you pay attention in class.
I didn’t use a prep. book for APUSH and got a 5.
I didn’t take AP Comp Gov, but I took AP Government and Politics and studied that using the crash course prep.book and got a 3…
All you need to really do is just listen in class, use your class notes to study, and then take the exam.
APUSH is considered one of the easier AP at my D’s school and it is the one recommended for sophomore. It would be a waste of time to prep for it before taking the course. You would need to first learn the materials. My Ds only use the prep book for review and some practice near the end of the course. Both got 5 in the AP exam.
AP U.S. tends to go rather in-depth, content-wise. Like someone else said, paying attention in class will be a big part of understanding material. But when I was reviewing for the exam a few months ago, I spent hours watching both Adam Norris and Jocz Productions. I like Adam’s videos more, but they were both helpful to me in preparation for the exam. The exam is more “thematic”, so I’m not sure if trying to learn the material on your own will stick. I’d suggest dedicating a few days from your Thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks (if you have them) to review everything taught so far. This way when you start reviewing from the beginning again in like late March-April you won’t be completely lost when you look over your notes about the Puritans, say. Good luck this year!
I got a 5 on the APUSH exam by using Adam Norris videos. I BREEZED through the multiple choice section thanks to him 
I self studied comp gov this year and got a 5. I used Ethel Woods’ coursebook (the most recent addition, I think it was 7) and released AP exams for practice. I got a 5 in APUSH last year, but didn’t really use any prep books. Watch like hip hughes, crashcourse, and joczproductions videos and you’ll be set.