Pres 1 and 2 comparison?

picking my room soon and would like to know the differences (if any) to selecting pres 1 or 2, also pros and cons to each and which floors may be best/ worse to live on?

Presidential 1 and 2 are virtually the same. PV2 is slightly smaller like a couple less rooms. Not very noticeable. PV2 typically has more athletes especially on the higher floors. PV1 and PV2 have kitchens on floors 1 and 7. Laundry is on 2 or 3, I forget. Personally my favorite rooms would be on the 7th floor facing the river. I loved seeing the sunrise there. I lived in both, and loved both. I recommend not being on the inside because sometimes the courtyard is loud but rarely. 1st floor is quieter and has less residents since it’s not a complete square. 1st floor also has the most staff between Resident Advisors, Freshman Advisors, And Community directors. Presidential 1 has the 24 hour desk that is for both PV1 and PV2. Hope this helps (:

As a parent moving kids four times (twice in and twice out), I appreciated them picking a 1st floor suite near an exit door. :wink:

Ah, the Penitential Village. Cell Block 1 or Cell Block 2.