Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

@moosegirlemy2 Thank you for that information, its very helpful. It seems silly to invest in another semester towards a Bachelor of Science degree if she by chance gets accepted to theatre for fall. If she got accepted prior to the start of classes, Im sure she would try and see if there are any theatre major specific classes she could get going on prior to the official start next fall. But, in the end, if she doesnt get in, she will still be on track in her original major and if she does, we will be so excited it won’t much matter ;0)

@SuddenlySeeMore- we got the same direction from CMU. The first part of the audition will be singing only.

@NYYFanNowMTdad - thank you for all your info on BWU. We just had auditions on Saturday, and LOVED it!! They did say they would be sending decisions for this batch in December…It’s a long shot for SURE!! Fingers crossed for everyone!!

@mttnmom my recollection ( we auditioned in January so the early audition notification didn’t apply to us) that the fall auditions get results in December. Again, my recollection was just a few acceptances, a bunch of deferrals/waitlists until all auditions were complete in March & of course a lot of rejections. Per VB last year she personally did 850 auditions for 22 spots. Though my daughter got off the wait list so likely guess is 30-35+? acceptances to yield 22- purely a guess on my part- we do know a few kids who were offered spots or came off the waitlist that chose other programs for a variety of reasons ( wanting a big school environment, wanting to stay on the west coast, wanting to be in NYC, etc…) good luck to all of you, its really a great program, but to be fair there are many great programs out there & no one program is a fit for all kids- EVEN CMU is not a fit for everyone :smiley:

@mttnmom - my daughter is completing her audition for BW this coming Saturday, but for musical theatre direction (she’s a pianist and singer). Can you describe what it was like on zoom? She already submitted all of her recordings, but this will be the interview/sightreading/singing part with both the MT faculty and the piano faculty.

@Tinman21 Sure- it was very short/sweet. The were asked to bring 3 songs, the judicators chose which two they wanted to hear. They were using the monologues from the videos they submitted. That was it. They were very kind/professional.

@mtmomma3 I say this with the utmost respect and a true desire to be helpful.

these schools you name are in the tippy top tier of ultra competitive lottery type programs, they get tons of applications and your amount of training or the awards won often are meaningless to these directors, the pre screens are an absolute crap shoot.

there are MANY GREAT programs that simply dont get the national pool of applicants ( AKA LESS NUMBERS) than those you listed.

its great that you got a yes from Michigan, clearly she is super talented- UM is an amazing program that ultimately accepts in the neighborhood of 1-2% of its MT applicants…thats more competitive than HPY, Stanford, etc… you have to cast a wider net than those tippy top schools. I have seen reports where many kids w perfect SAT scores, 4.0+ and valedictorian get rejected from those Ivies- THATS WHAT THIS IS COMPARABLE TO…

there are many threads on this board with ideas on where the numbers are more regional and the percentages are a little bit better ( like 5-10%)

your D might be the greatest thing ever , I say this honestly and not with any sarcasm but we know a Jimmy finalist last year who had 1 yes and 1 waitlist out of 15 auditions.

hope that helps, best of luck its a brutal process, dont let the prescreen Nos discourage you- if you cast a bit of a wider net you simply improve your chances of having OPTIONS come May. ( just my 2 cents FWIW)

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Just checking in. Has anyone heard from the following schools:
Molloy (I think someone posted they may have answers next week), Arcadia, UHartt, Montclair, Marymount Manhattan, or UNC Greensboro. We know we have a little bit to wait for Elon as we did the second round of prescreens.
We are still waiting to hear about his LIU audition from Friday, which was less than 5 minutes.

@Sonnie323 i believe montclair is beginning reviews late November, and if i remember from last year hartt will not decide until all rec letters are in. I posted that molloy had said by thanksgiving a few days ago :slight_smile:

Just got good news from wright followed by bad news from rider unfortunately

Has anyone heard from Ball State?

Sorry to hear about your bad news from Rider. My son has his audition next month for the new BFA Acting program after his prescreen re-direct. He does have all of his application info in for Hartt and has for a while same with MMC.

@Sonnie323 Applied late October and we are still waiting on Point Park, Rider, Montclair and Hartt (finally got that last rec letter in!).

Talked with admissions person today from Hartt school about something else but snuck in question on callbacks.:)Basically she said their plan is to wait until the Dec. deadline to inform people but may decide on some beforehand if they can get to them. There are only 5 audition dates for “callbacks” so I asked about those and she said people will have choice of the 5 dates but not times.

I’ve been reading everyone’s posts. Thank you for being so helpful! I certainly wish I’d seen all of this several months ago. We thought we cast a wide net, but clearly did not. Daughter definitely wanted to stay in the New England or NY area, with just a couple outside that. She applied to several BFA schools and is still in the process of applying to some BA schools that are more known for academics (Wellesley, Wesleyan, Brown, Barnard, Bennington, Hofstra, Yale). For MT/Drama or Acting, here is what we know so far:

LIU Post- accepted to school with $20,000 yr. merit schol., had MT callback Friday
New School- had callback a week and a half ago
Ithaca- called back for MT
Emerson-- No on MT, asked to reapply for Acting, audition scheduled
Pace- called back for Acting and International Touring Ensemble (scheduled), Not MT
BoCo- Contemporary drama audition scheduled, no word yet on MT
Marymount- MT audition scheduled
Juilliard Drama- audition scheduled
NYU- MT audition scheduled
CM- no word yet
Hartt- no word yet
BU- sending out in the morning
AMDA- haven’t applied yet

If I’m missing anything geographically that should be on this list, please let me know! Also- off topic, but BU’s monologues are 1 min. I have shaved every second off, and got them to 1:02 and 1:04. Do you think that will be a problem? Should we redo them?

@starbuck71 Some websites literally won’t let you upload your material if it goes over the time limit. I would suggest you try uploading it first to see if it will allow you to because as long as you are within 5-10 seconds over, you’re good! If it doesn’t let you upload it, then I would suggest you redo it. Best of luck!

@Starbuck71, my son also only wanted to be in the New England/NY area I did encourage him to stretch to NJ and PA and that helped to open him up to a few more opportunities. We are also not looking at Ivy League or schools that are selective academically, knowing the MT is also selective. What we have for some different schools are Manhattanville College (we have an academic acceptance waiting on artistic), Molloy/CAP 21 (waiting to hear), Western Connecticut (BA redirect), Wagner College (waiting to hear). For a wonderful BA program, my son loves Dean College in MA, their program is pretty rigorous when you compare to many BFA programs. He just got accepted there last week. If she is willing to go down to NJ, Rider University (we have a redirect to BFA Acting (brand new program!! was a BA) and Montclair University.
I hope that helps. We are in Southern, VT and this time last year we came to CC to do lots of research and understand where we might find the best fit for him.
Best of luck to you and your daughter.

Hey folks, had a post flagged and removed - no idea why! The gist is @mtmomma3 I feel your pain. This is a tough process that very much mirrors the challenges of this profession. It has me questioning all of my life choices up until this moment. Hang in there!

Also shared my kiddo’s application and response dates as follows:
CM submit 10/25; response 10/28
CCM submit 10/27; response pending
Elon submit 10/30; response pending
Emerson submit 11/9; response 11/10
Florida State - I messed this one up, didn’t realize we needed to submit ballet : (
Hartt submit 11/11; response pending
Ithaca submit 10/27; response 11/4
Penn State submit 10/29; response 11/16
Point Park submit submit 10/30; response pending
Shenandoah submit 11/1; response 11/4
Syracuse submit 10/28; response 11/12
Texas State submit submit 10/29; response pending
U Mich submit 11/2; response 11/17

Still plan to submit to USC, NYU, 5 UK programs, and maybe more if it seems prudent.

Thank you @Sonnie323 The only one she is looking at in Pennsylvania is CM and she just got news that MT is going to pass, but she is called back for acting! That is a big win and we will take it! I will look into some of those other schools, thank you. Best of luck to your son!


In my view, you HAVE cast a wide net as your D has 20 schools on her list so far, which is plenty. In looking at your list, and reading your comments, it comes across a bit of a shotgun approach of finding any schools that offer the major your D wants that land in a certain geographical area. I would encourage the selection of colleges be based on fit, both academically and artistically, and other selection criteria. For instance, I cannot imagine that a person interested in attending Yale would also be interested in attending AMDA as these are night and day experiences.

Another thing is your D made an exception by applying to CMU which is in Pittsburgh, and so why not look into Penn State, Temple, Rider, Point Park, Univ. of the Arts, etc.?

Also there are BA in MT by audition schools. Someone else already mentioned Wagner. Take a look at the BA in MT by audition program at UNH. A BA in Acting by audition college to consider is Fordham.

BFA in MT Schools in the region you specified also include:
Manhattan School of Music
Montclair State
Molly/CAP 21
Western Connecticut

BA colleges to consider:
Trinity College
Sarah Lawrence
Conn College

FINALLY some good news, and of all places it came from CMU, applied 11/13 heard back 11/18!