Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

Newbie alert! I am not sure I am posting correctly so forgive me!

Has anyone heard from any of these schools for MT prescreens? We sent them 11/9. Shenandoah, Rider, Point Park, or Elon? We heard back from Ithaca, and Uarts she had her audition. Thanks!

Very happy for you!!
I am finding that many schools have no rhyme or reason for when and how they are making decisions. I thought that UHartt submissions were prescreens not final auditions and my son submitted 10/11 and uploaded his videos on 10/14. We will just be patient.

Hello, I many not be able to give too much context but I can answer on Rider, my son heard back within 2 weeks of submission. He was re-directed to the BFA Acting and for Elon, we did not make the September deadline but submitted a few weeks later and it’s our understanding we will hear the week of Christmas if he pass through to the Audition process. Then if he does, final decisions are expected around March 20th. He did not apply to Shenandoah or Point Park. Best of luck!!

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We also submitted the videos on Hartt’s application portal instead of Accepted. Your post worried me! Just chatted with someone in admissions and they said everything submitted on Accepted or the portal is considered a prescreen. The faculty are reviewing them now and will be sending decisions to everyone soon.

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Thank you! I think we were later than expected due to a death in the family. I think with that and Thanksgiving, we will hear by Christmas as well. Thank you and good luck !!

I think either way of applying to Hartt for MT works and yes both ways of applying are prescreens only.


Yes they are for prescreens first then kids will be instructed what’s needed for virtual audition/callback if that helps.

Now the million dollar question…let’s say you pass a prescreen…do the schools tell you what to prepare for the audition? Or should you just be ready for anything? Has anyone had a virtual audition yet that they can talk about what it was like?

My son just got an email from them, we held our breaths, but it just said they were reviewing prescreens now and he would hear back Mid December and then gave a list of the callback dates for remote interviews.

We just got the same email LOL! My guess is that a lot of people are looking for their prescreen results and they are trying to calm us down. Best of luck to your son!

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Thank you!!
I think you are right! That was my first thought too. Best of luck to you too.

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yes they do tell you! and it is also often already on their website. In our experience sometimes you will know already and other times they will give you something that you weren’t aware of before from the website. Hope that helps!


Indiana Live Prescreen (Moonifieds) - 11/20; Results - 11/30

Just before Thanksgiving we heard from Ball State saying that the faculty gave D a positive review and to hang on while they continue to see auditions. Not sure if they sent that to everyone or just some. I’d love to know…this has been so tough so far. We did not cast a wide net–D wants specific schools if she majors in MT, and figures she’d rather major in something else (music education etc) and go to a school she wants vs. going to a conservatory (she wants a bigger school with a typical college feel to it). That said, having only auditioned for 8 schools, it could be that she gets rejected across the board. What a year this is–I wish it weren’t also the year of COVID. These kids have suffered through so much already.

@shine19 My D sent all the videos and applied academically in mid-October. She got an academic acceptance pretty quickly, but have heard nothing from MT. So it sounds like getting an email from them is a great thing!

UMich prescreen result received this am

I’m posting here because this thread seems to have a lot more activity than the acting thread an i’m sure there are many of us applying to both. Has anyone heard back on ACTING prescreens from Michigan, Baylor or Boston University?

Of those, DD only applied to BU and we have not heard anything yet.

Which schools are still sending callbacks for CAP? I know there were several that were supposed to send within a few days, but wasn’t sure. if they ever did?

@onette My D was supposed to hear back from UCF, Lynn and Sam Houston after CAP, but only has received communication from Sam Houston so far. She emailed someone at CAP about UCF because she was really interested in them but so far, we haven’t heard anything from them.