Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

@Kbodie We haven’t heard anything either. Sent videos in the middle of October.

Has anyone in the group applied to Western Michigan’s BFA ? Heard anything if so?

We also have Ithaca Sat morning, then Penn State in the afternoon!! Exciting, but nerve wracking for sure!!

Yes, my S applied there and passed prescreen. Audition is set up for January I believe.

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To western? We passed pre and did the virtual audition. We live about three and a half hours away.


Yes, Western. Congrats on auditioning! I don’t know much about the program as my son found it. Please update when you hear back. BAL!

We passed the prescreen for Wright State and have an audition on Dec 12th. I notice the time slots are 8 minutes apart. Does anyone know what this entails? Notice how I say we, lol it’s my daughter! Anyone know when we all will know for sure! I know it’s only December but wow!!

I do not like this format at all. It takes me awhile to get to the right forums.


We are on the same day. We don’t know much but I assume she will have to sing her two songs and a monologue. She did not send in any videos for a prescreen, just scheduled for a live audition. I do know that she had to film a dance for them.

My daughter sent prescreen on Nov 25th to Point Park and was notified today that she passed. She Applied to Penn State on Oct 30 and was notified Nov 16th that she passed their pre-screen. She is waiting to hear pre-screen results from Carnegie Melon, NYU, and Elon, and Boston Conservatory - she sent these prescreens Nov 25th Good Luck



Thank you and congrats!

My daughter auditions for PSU on January 23rd. Best of luck! We reached out and asked if they wanted new songs or the same from prescreen and they said either, it didnt matter to them. Is you S/D doing new material? That is my D’s plan, although she had such a good prescreen song, she hates not to do it!

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It’s also super hard to bookmark. I used to be able to bookmark threads now I have to bookmark a specific post. So annoying

I really hate this new forum. I can’t find anything!!

Anyway, we have heard from FSU, Hartt, Rider, Penn State, otterbein, Webster, Pace and UMiami.

We are still waiting on MT at USC, UArizona, Point Park, and Montclair State.

Has anyone heard from Montclair? We found their website confusing. Is it a prescreen? Or is it a digital audition?

We are still waiting to hear from Rider and Point Park as well. 10/31 and 10/30 submissions.

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Ugh…IDK… one of my son’s has had 100% success with his pre-screens, the other, not. I wish he would look at some other options, but he is set in his ways…I guess I have to let “his” journey he “his” journey!!

My understanding is that Montclair was a digital audition.

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Waiting to hear from TONS of schools. Did anyone’s Daughter hear from UMICH yet? Seems like notifications are going out this week, but so far only two parents of sons have said they got yesses on this board here. THANKS SO MUCH!

@mttmom That is very tough. I don’t envy that position at all. Good luck to both of your boys!