Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

personally, i applied to 5 last year and was rejected artistically from all. Im doing around 30-40 this year and having much more success, especially with covid there are unfortunately less spots

I echo the comments of @kmwah1.

I have not shared much of our story with this group. My daughter applied to 25 schools this year with a very balanced list and 5 of those being academic schools with non-audition programs.
Last year my daughter applied only to 20 top tier BFA schools. She passed all but one of those prescreens. After the audition process she got one BFA offer for a program that ultimately we did not think was right for her once we visited. She also ended up on 3 waitlists for very good BFA programs until June when she was released. It was extremely painful for her and for me. I felt like I completely failed her with her list. And I felt like we should have pivoted and added more schools midway through the process. Ultimately, she had no choices. So she deferred a year, which actually has turned out not to be terrible given COVID.

Thanks to the support of many on this forum after licking her wounds, she picked herself up, dusted herself off and came out with a very balanced list this year and with hope - which is no small feat. I don’t tell you this to scare you and everyone’s experience is certainly different. But I would not underestimate this process. A lot of this once you pass the prescreens is casting - is there a spot for you as an artist in their program. And for that reason I think you are always better off casting a wide net.


How resilient!! I totally feel her and am sending so much luck!! It just shows how prescreens are crazy and cannot be counted on. So many kids think that with all the prescreen passes they’re set. I’m sure your D is Uber talented and will find the school that’s best for her this year. Cannot wait to hear her story!!

I feel your story only too well. I should share as well- we are on our second year applying for BFA MT. Last year did very well with prescreen passes which led to maybe false sense of security. Sounds like your DC and mine wanted top tier only. Still won’t budge on that this year. Ended with one offer and one priority WL BFA last year- deferred due to covid etc.

I would say expanding your list with places your child will actually commit to if accepted is a popular idea. Its something you can control in this process…increase the statistics in your favor. However when kids apply to 30 schools and its May and they are are left with only schools they don’t want to attend (safetys?) you may end up auditioning another year anyway:) So keep that in mind. Kids may not respond until their backs up against the wall and they realize hmmm I don’t think I want to go there.

I will say there are definately anomaly kids who apply to even just 3 schools and do okay but know that having a certain “hook” can lead to more favorable results.

I can say with certainty if you are not a strong dancer (and by that I mean dance 3-5 times a week competitively) your chances of landing a spot in a top tier go down. One thing children this year will not experience is seeing the “competition” first hand- can be motivating but certainly could be intimidating for those not prepared for this level of talent. Huge voices coming out of rooms and amazing dance skills in group dance calls etc. Also having the “joy” of receiving a prescreen rejection email moments before going into a audition at Unified’s.

If you are a certain voice part, certain sex and certain ethnicity your chances can also go down or up respectively. Dance aside, these aren’t skills they just are the way God made ya!

Best of luck to all…special hugs for the moms on year #2…I feel you big time!!



Wow. Thank you so much for posting. I was nervous about sharing and your understanding is everything! We know of several people who have had the same experience.

Here’s to your daughter. May she rock her auditions!! Positive vibes to all on Round 2.

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Bless you and your daughter both. This process is absolutely brutal!!! I’m so pleased that she was able to take that year to regroup. These theater kids have it in their blood…and I love them for it! Obviously she and the others here really knows what she wants and has to go for it.

May I ask how she spent her gap year? Anyway best of luck!

My kid is waiting on a TON of schools…hopefully this week will bring good news. Has her first audition Saturday. So exciting, nerve wracking, etc etc etc

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When does CCM usually send something about prescreens? And when are most decisions made for all schools? Going on like this for many more months will be agonizing lol!

@Kbodie I heard mid December for CCM prescreen results so it should be in the next week or so

Final decisions vary by schools. For many it is around March to the best of my knowledge. But some are earlier. Good luck!

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Great perspective and so true! Dance is going to be my D’s downfall. She is a fine mover (and has even been in dance class many years) but it’s just not her strong suit (and we “check all the unfortunate boxes” in the ethnicity and gender departments too–lots of great performer girls with my daughter’s “look”). This is all going to be so interesting…again thank you and best of luck to your daughter!

has anyone heard from Otterbein recently?

There’s a thread from last season about when schools make offers. Might be different this year but this will give you an idea: Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

We just heard from Ohio University, submitted prescreen 11/12

My D so far passed
-Carnegie Mellon
-Baldwin Wallace

and was rejected from
-Texas State

we are waiting for the rest! so exciting

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We are only waiting on CCM and Manhattan prescreen results- and just one more audition before Christmas!! YAY!!

Hi, did you hear from both MT and Acting ? Applied to both but only heard from acting so far. Thx!

We heard for MT, I am not sure if she also applied to Acting.

I just started a thread for sharing acceptances by school: MT Acceptances by school for the Class of 2025

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Ithaca - Submitted 11/29 Results: 12/7

CCM is our last school. Expected within the next 2 weeks based on the last 2 years.

point park 12/9, submitted 10/27


Oklahoma - submitted 10/16; results 12/9

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