Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

Oh my gosh you are so kind!!! I was looking at having her add schools but it looks like many deadlines have passed. Would you be willing to share schools you added where deadlines hasn’t yet passed? Understand if not!

I really really appreciate your response!!!

@dharmawins take a look at Kent State and Wright State. She submitted some last minute prescreens and I think these
2 having rolling admissions, but I’m not sure. Hang in there and beat of luck!! This process is hard!!

It really is so hard, and I think it’s much harder with covid. They can’t just knock out auditions at a unified, and I think all these dance submissions they are asked to do would just be done live, rather than taped.

Thanks so much I will look at those programs!

You are SO good!! I have boys…so…um…NO comparison!! I feel like 50% is amazing!! My daughter will be going thorough this in three years, and 50 sounds GREAT to me!!

@dharmawins as you may have read in our final decision post last year, we had a mixed pre-screen result so do not despair we still had a great outcome with 5 ultimate acceptances ( maybe there would have been more as we withdrew a few waitlists late, after my DD dream school came through) But all 5 of our " yesses" were great programs. In our final decision post, we list a lot of insight about auditions and prescreens that might be helpful, but take a look at Belmont University, Catholic University & Oklahoma city ( OCU). as they definitely have dates in Jan &February . Also historically Molloy/Cap 21 & wagner have a later audition date ( not sure about this year) & again not sure about this year but those programs historically do not have pre-screens…Anyway, I know this year is very different with nearly everything being remote, but if you read the past few years venting/discussing threads this topic does come up every year about programs that can be added late…I’m not suggesting that 10 auditions isn’t enough just offering some thoughts since you asked…Also the " old" theory ( not sure where it came from) but on these threads historically they said for every 10 auditions you can expect 1.5 acceptances( .5 being a waitlist)…I also believe with the lack of travel people will likely be applying to an ungodly # of schools 30-40+ which to me means an insane amount of waitlist movement might be expected…hang in there you are getting close to “half time” still a long way to go.

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Thanks to all for this. List::
Yes from:
Kent state
CCPA at Roosevelt

Invited to audition to Wagner

Digital auditions without Prescreen requirement:
Baldwin Wallace
Marymount Manhattan
Montclair state

No from:
BOCO, from wait list
Texas state
Cap 21
Waitlist at Indiana u

Safety: muhlenberg

Thanks so much! I will take a look at your response from last year.

Heres our full list so far-

Passed (for musical theatre):
Carnegie Mellon
Manhattan S.O.M
Ball State
Baldwin Wallace (No pres.)
NYU (No pres.)
UNCSA (No pres.)
Marymount (No pres.)

Boco (After waitlist)
Texas State

Waiting For:
Penn State
The Hartt School

Anyone Know when those might be coming??

Also- I just want to congratulate you all on this process. It’s honestly so random sometimes/has no definition of a child’s ultimate talent. Its craziness! but in the end, it’s just college! Wishing each and every one the absolute best :slight_smile:

Hi! Would you mind posting a link to your post from last year that you mentioned? Cannot find it and would love to read!! Thanks

@dharmawins im not sure how to post a link but if you look at the 2024 final decision thread post #379 on May 4th it starts there, be forewarned its LONG :slight_smile: I think earlier in this 2025 thread or the 2025 venting thread one of your fellow parents posted the link to my story , if I recall, im just not that tech savvy. But as I mentioned reading the old Venting threads the last 2-3 years and the final decision threads from those years is something that many of us found VERY helpful.

Last year my son really did fall in love with the Ithaca auditors and he is actually a freshman there now. Even virtually he is very happy and truly does love all his teachers. The vibe in the room is not always an exact predictor of how things will go, but it’s definitely something to pay serious attention to.

it’s definitely in my top 3 or 4 schools for sure! i was also accepted academically on a pretty good scholarship so that helps as well

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Here is our list, no rhythm or reason to this!

NO from prescreens
Penn State
Pace (accepted academically with $100k in scholarship (what)??

Carnegie Mellon - acting only
Ithaca - acting only (withdrew and canceled audition)
UMich - MT

Waiting on USC and UCLA in January.

Do you mean Ithaca? Did you audition yet?

Okay, what the heck! My kid is almost the reverse of yours…yes from Syracuse and Ithaca and no from Michigan and BOCO. If anyone has insight it would be fascinating to hear.

Bottom line is:
I need to get off my computer and stop obsessing. Any tips to STOP THE OBSESSION would be appreciated, short of a time machine to move me into 2021, lol.

Good luck Skymomia, I hope it all works out beautifully.

Do you have any non prescreen schools on your list?

We had Marymount but she is going to cancel. She has acceptances now to The New School and a BA school so we know she’ll go somewhere!

Penn state says 1/6 and Elon says 1/15.

Is anyone still waiting on CCM? I feel like everyone has heard results but still haven’t heard anything… all apart of the process but still anxiety-inducing!!! Plus with the holiday break, I feel like we won’t hear till Jan!!!

Are most of the people on here applying for MT? DS has applied for trombone performance and we are anxious to know if people are hearing back about prescreens for instrumental, specifically for NEC, MSM, Northwestern and Vanderbilt. Or is there another thread that is more specific to instrumental?

I saw someone else who was still waiting on this thread. I wonder if they are still on the fence? Not sure!