Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

Yes it is an MT thread. Ifs sort of in the subtitle I think! Not that you aren’t welcome. But I’ve only seen MT

@lisalisae This is the Musical Theater Majors Forum. However, there is a great forum here on College Confidential for you called the Music Majors Forum. Here is a link to that forum: Music Major - College Confidential Forums

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Thank you!

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We heard back from MSM, passed! Good luck! I am just visiting here, my daughter is a cellist.

no i didn’t end up auditioning for ithaca

Ok it’s sometimes hard to follow the thread:) what are your top choices?

The current list:

11 schools - 9 Prescreens - 1 audition only

Prescreens Passed

Prescreens No

Audition (Prescreen not required)

Auditions/Interviews to Date:
Elon (Nov)
Pace (Dec)
Syracuse (Dec)

Elon - No - artistically/Waitlisted - academically

Accepted Academically
Kennesaw (Nov)
Pace (Nov)

Tuesday starts the family holiday shutdown. That really only applies to me since my weird kid isn’t into social media. :joy: I will be trying not to obsess until after January 4th (keyword - trying), Wishing everyone a safe, healthy, and happy holiday!

Hey thanks for sharing your list. YES, I would love to take a holiday break.

Reality is my DD has to record some dance auditions for Syracuse, Emerson, and possibly IWU, not sure. We also meet with her coach to go over where things are at.

I love what one of the dads said on here…it’s like we are at half time! Time to regroup, and go forward into January, February and then G-d willing, some decent results coming our way in March-April-May!!!

Happy Holidays to all!


Here’s where my D is at with this crazy process:

Prescreens passed: Pace, Ithaca, BOCO, Otterbein, NYU Steinhardt
*Has already auditioned at Ithaca, Pace and BOCO

Prescreen “no”s: CCM, U Miami, Penn State, U Mich

Still waiting: Elon, Indiana (waitlisted)

Auditions scheduled at Baldwin Wallace, American (no prescreens)

Interview (I think) scheduled for JMU

Already “interviewed” at Muhlenberg

do you (or your daughter? son?, sorry) have a first choice yet? That is a hell of a list of acceptances. Congratulations!

Hi! Can you tell me when your D submitted to Steinhardt? My D submitted nov 17th and has not heard back yet. I think their website says they respond in a week.

She submitted to NYU Steinhardt 10/1 but that was actually an automatic pass for her because she got into their summer MT program.

I have a question for those who passed Syracuse, Michigan, Penn State and Pace Prescreens: Is your performer a good dancer?

I am trying to understand if the dance or the singing was the factor? Her acting is top notch–redirected to acting on everything. However, as we move forward, I am wondering if we need to switch out her song. She went with something very powerful and not typical and I am thinking for the remaining MT auditions maybe we should switch–unless it was the dance that tanked her.

Thank you.

My son passed Syracuse, both MT and Acting. He is NOT a good dancer, but he’s hoping to be considered for their Actor/Singer track. Some in this forum say that the dance standards are a little different for boys.

My sons both passed Mich, Penn and Pace, did not apply to Syracuse. They are not dancers. Pace specifies that the dance pre-screen is only for class placement only. There was no dance in the final call back. Both boys said Penn State final dance has definitely been the hardest. “I” feel dance is included in their final decision…but someone can correct me if I’m wrong. Not sure about Mich. They haven’t learned the dances yet, said there are a couple different short combinations. Not sure if this helps at ALL!!!

We passed UMich and my D is NOT a dancer, her singing and acting is strong though.

Thank you. DD is a very strong singer and actress but I thought her song choice was maybe a little “out there”. This is helpful for auditions. Thanks a ton.

so my personal opinion, FWIW is I’d look at the songs closely. I mean typical isn’t something that they want, and of course it’s hard for me to say. But my sense is that for most schools dance is a plus when it’s great, but not a deal breaker when it’s just okay. I mean in your shoes I might even hire a coach just to look at the song material closely. I have heard/read of people changing out songs and doing better. My DD paced Syracuse, not Michigan and did not apply to Pace. Still haven’t heard from Penn State. She is a joyful dancer, doesn’t consider herself an expert but I think that’s b/c she compares herself to girls at her studio who just do dance and no other art forms.

Good luck!

My D passed all of those schools- She can dance, but is definitely not a dancer first and doesn’t have years of training. I think these days they care a lot less about dance.

Rider BFA results are going out- my D just got into the program